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The COVID-19 Cover-Up:
It Wasn’t Just That “They Got It Wrong” –
They Knew It Was Wrong and Lied Anyway, Part I

He is smart, well-educated, and generally open-minded. How could he be so ignorant of something as important as the facts about COVID-19?

He hadn’t, for example, heard or read about any of the reported side effects of the mRNA vaccines. He thought they had all been tested and were safe. And when I gave him some of the facts, he was visibly shocked. Not by what I was telling him, but that I, someone he thought of as smart, well-educated, and open-minded, could be spouting what to him were long-ago-disproven conspiracy theories.

He could not believe, he said, that prominent people in the NIH, AMA, CDC, or any other governmental or quasi-governmental health organization would promote ideas about COVID or the COVID vaccines that were untrue. He felt the same way about representatives of the pharmaceutical companies and the reporters and talking heads that covered the health beat for the major media.

It was not just this conversation, but several dozen with people I admire that prompted my first attempt to document the misinformation we were being fed about COVID and our government’s response to the pandemic – a series of essays that began with the Nov. 29, 2022 issue of this blog and continued through much of 2023. It covered all the major concerns and questions that were widely misunderstood back then and even today. Misconceptions that have since been all but admitted to by the people that promoted them, including the NIH, the AMA, the CDC, and the politicians and mainstream media that propagated them.

I planned to publish one final essay about COVID that would lay out all the facts and debunk all the myths. But as I plodded along, collecting, vetting, and cross-checking the new studies and essays and articles that continued to come in, I realized that it was turning into a book that would be, realistically speaking, published a year or two from now. And that, by then, my book would be competing with a half-dozen similar books written by better-known and more credentialed writers.

So, instead, I’m going to treat this effort as a multi-part project.

In each part, I’m going to focus on one “scientific fact” about COVID that we now know was false. I want to prove to you that, in some cases, the propagators of these falsehoods knew they were false when they said them. Perhaps worse, they knew that what they were doing could drive wrongheaded and even dangerous public mandates. And all of it was aided and abetted by the media, whose primary value to democracies is to courageously and consistently question the policies and practices of big government and big business.

I’m going to try to cover all the major issues – the misinformation and disinformation that began within days after it became known that a new strain of the coronavirus, COVID-19, had made its way into the US and was spreading quickly. And I’m going to start with the first piece of misinformation I came across when this whole craziness began: the claim that COVID-19 had a scarily high mortality rate – as high as 10% to 15%.

Why Did They Lie About the Mortality Rate? 

COVID was declared a pandemic by the WHO on March 11, 2020. At the beginning, there was scant reliable data about the virus. But there were some early estimates by a half-dozen or so researchers indicating that it could be at least 10 times more contagious than other coronaviruses. The number that popped for me concerned the virus’s lethality.

If those early estimates of a 10% to 15% mortality rate were correct, we were looking at a pandemic that would have been more deadly than AIDs, which killed about 40 million, and perhaps even rivaling the Black Death of the 15th century that killed somewhere between 75 million and 200 million.

No wonder Anthony Fauci and other virologists and infectious disease specialists were alarmed!

In the first essay I wrote on the subject, I said that it didn’t seem possible that the mortality rate was anywhere near as high as the estimates because of other things the scientific community knew at the time. Chief among them was the already established fact that a significant percentage of people that came down with COVID-19 had mild, flu-like symptoms or were entirely asymptomatic.

Remember, this was at the very beginning of the pandemic, when few people were aware of what symptoms to look for. And even if they knew what to look for, and had the symptoms, it was difficult to get tested. The availability of test kits and testing facilities was extremely limited. So, many people with mild or no symptoms weren’t getting tested.

For me, this was a red flag. Because to calculate the mortality rate of any disease, you must compare the number of people that have it to the number of people that die from it. And nobody back then had any idea what percentage of the population had actually contracted COVID-19.

So those early analysts were making a serious statistical mistake – one that should have been recognized immediately. (It’s so big and obvious, it has a name. It’s called the denominator error.) It should have been recognized by the analysts themselves that came up with that crazily high mortality rate in the first place. And then by scientists at the NIH and CDC that were working on the virus. And, finally, by any media person with a 100+ IQ who reported the numbers to the public.

I had guesstimated – based mostly on what I knew about how difficult it was to get a test and what I’d had heard about how many people had mild-to-no symptoms – that the denominator they were using was wrong by a factor of 10. Maybe more.

As it turned out, I was right.

As more and more people got tested (thus increasing the size of the denominator), the official mortality estimates dropped from 10% to 6%, and then to 3%, where they stayed for a while. But by the end of 2021, they were down to 1%, and then down to 0.5% by the end of 2022.

In other words, those earliest estimates were wrong by a multiple of 20!

Now, you could still argue (as many COVID Conspiracy Propogandists still do) that the 0.5% figure is still much higher than the mortality rate of the common flu (about 0.01%). But to do that, you would have to ignore another monstrous mistake. I’m talking about the fact that the CDC and many other governmental health organizations tracking COVID deaths had, at the beginning of the pandemic, mandated that hospitals designate any patient that died with COVID as having died from COVID.

This is so mind-bendingly stupid that, after three years of following the research and writing about it, I am astonished that the practice continues today.

Think about it. An obese, diabetic, 81-year-old man is hospitalized and diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. On admittance, he is given a COVID test (which is still required by the CDC), and he tests positive. While the doctors at the hospital perform lung surgery to try to extend his life, he dies. But in recording the cause of his death, the hospital must categorize it as due to COVID-19.

Even if a young man is rushed to the hospital after being shot in the heart, he is given a COVID test when he’s admitted. And if that test happens to be positive and he dies, his death will be officially attributed to COVID.

So now you must ask yourself: If hospitals were allowed to make reasonable diagnoses, what percentage of those that died with COVID had, in fact, died from other causes? Considering how widely spread COVID was in 2021 and 2022, my guess is that it was 20%, at most.

And if that proves to be true, the actual mortality rate of COVID is less than one-tenth of one percent. In other words, it might be about the same as or lower than the mortality rate of the common flu!

Those are the facts as I’ve come to understand them. If anything I’ve said above is wrong and you have the facts to prove it, please let me know so I can make a correction.

But please don’t write to say:

“Okay, the early scientists and the media that followed them got it wrong. But they did the best they could, given what they knew at the time. That was then and this is now. Let’s move on.”

That is, in fact, the narrative that the Medical-Industrial Complex has been trying out. And it may apply to some of what they told us that has since been proven false. But not in this case. The misinformation they handed out about the mortality rate of COVID-19 was based on logic and arithmetic that was so obviously wrong that those that issued and repeated it were guilty of either astonishing ignorance or purposeful deception.

And what makes it so much scarier is that the bogus numbers were accepted without so much as a second thought by the mainstream media and all but a tiny fraction of professionals, some of whom lost their licenses as a punishment for pointing out the obvious truth.

Finally, remember this: This was the first of a series of falsehoods about COVID perpetrated by the Medical-Industrial Complex and promoted by the mainstream media all over the world that did massive economic, educational, social, and psychological damage to millions of people. The economic cost alone may have amounted to nearly a trillion dollars!

And that’s to say nothing of the massive cost in terms of human life that is only beginning to be assessed. I’m talking, in particular, about the vaccines. Not just about the already proven correlations between the vaccines and their temporary side effects, but also about the growing evidence that they may have been the cause of many deaths.

That last claim is still being dismissed as a lunatic “conspiracy theory.” But before I’m finished with this series of Special Issues, it, too, might be proven to be true. A grim possibility.

Stay tuned.