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3 Days in Sin City with 2 (Seriously) Old Friends

I spent a few days in Las Vegas last week for a many-times-postponed mini get-together with two old (as in aged) friends.

For most of my life, Las Vegas has been known as one of the great gambling capitals of the world. Miles above its poor cousin in Atlantic City, it is now outpacing its more venerable competitors in Monaco and Macau. And although England and France have more total casinos (141 and 189, respectively), no single city comes close to the 122 that Vegas has. Not to mention the total square footage devoted to and money spent on gambling in Vegas as compared to any other city, state, or country in the world.

There is an energy I feel when I’m in The City of Lost Wages that returns every time I’m there. Thinking about it now, it’s hard to say exactly what it is. It’s less refined than the James Bond vibe I enjoyed in Monaco and less claustrophobic than I felt in Macau. It is highly exciting but not frenetic, hopeful but not ebullient, dangerous but not quite frightening. It produces just the number of pheromones and amount of adrenalin that my brain seems to crave.

The Vegas of today is a very different city than it was in 1911, when it was incorporated, or in 1931, the year that gambling was legalized. It’s even different from how it was in 1995, when Martin Scorsese and Nicholas Pileggi made Casino, the epic crime movie starring Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, and Sharon Stone.

It is a new and improved version of a manufactured city that wears its artificiality like a robe of honor. It’s bigger now. It’s safer. You can bring the kids and have a family vacation without even pulling on the arm of a one-armed bandit.

But if you do wander into its vast, interlocking amusement park of Sin, you may feel as if you’ve entered a beeping, ringing, and blinking dreamland whose décor can only be described in hair-style metaphors: updos, ducktails, megafros, pompadours, and whatever it is that sits on top of our president’s head.

Which is to say: If you open your mind to Las Vegas, it will open its endlessly garish and entertaining experiences to you.

Besides the fun and excitement of bathing in the energy of Las Vegas, my friends and I attended three shows…

The Eagles at The Sphere 
My Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars 

We sat very nearly at the top of a steeply descending bleacher, enclosed in a 377-foot, $2.3 billion globe, a massive, 580,000-square-foot bubble in the heart of the casino district, featuring a “wraparound interior LED screen, speakers with beamforming and wave field synthesis technologies, and 4D special effects.”

Counting floor seating (maxed for this show), the venue provides amphitheater seating for 20,000. Based on our “cheap seat” tickets at $400+ each, that brings in more than $10 million per show.

From our aerie perch, the stage was a small rectangle of light upon which the musicians were tiny black objects barely moving. But the rest of the view – the entire interior scope of the globe – was a blaze of hallucinogenic images emerging, metamorphizing, and disappearing in synchronicity with the brain-pounding sound.

“Gee,” I was thinking, “With a rig like this, you don’t even need an actual band down there to make this work. The sound system is killer. The light show is LSD level. They could replace the Eagles themselves with three-dimensional, AI-programmed holograms and the performance would be just as great.”

Which is true. It was nevertheless a great show and a once-in-my-lifetime experience – one that gave me a glimpse into the near future and a new respect for the genius and virtuosity of the Eagles themselves.

A little circus called Absinthe 
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars 

The cast of Absinthe 

I had no expectations because I hadn’t booked it and didn’t ask. It was one of those small Cirque du Soleil-styled shows with lots of impressive balancing and gymnastics routines held together by a funny, bawdy script and two very talented lead actors/comedians. From the muscularity and good looks of the performers, I guessed they were Russian. Almost right. They were Ukrainians – from the north.

A disappointing tour of Theatre Arte 
My Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars 

Billed as a “must see” in Vegas, and described as “the ultimate immersive experience,” I thought – correctly – that this was going to be an experience similar to a fantastic light museum that K and I visited last summer in Tokyo. I was expecting the sort of music and visuals of The Sphere ribboned into a maze of corridors and rooms.

And it was that. Sort of. But Theatre Arte was much smaller and considerably less spectacular. The good news: By the time I realized it was a bit of a scam (after about 12 minutes), it was over.

And about those hookers… 

As you know if you’ve ever been to Vegas, it’s nearly impossible to get from your hotel room to an exit without winding through a jungle of slot machines, blackjack tables, and poker rooms – all designed to keep you from exiting until you’ve laid your money down and lost most of it.

Alcohol is cheap and plentiful. Ladies of the night, too. (Well… plentiful, but probably not cheap.) Although, given the way that so many women dress in the casinos, I found it difficult to know which was which.

My companions, however, found this issue debatable, and spent a good part of the time we were passing through the casinos on the “So, what is she?” question.

* I have only two book reviews for you this month. I’ve had to suspend my goal of reading a book a week while I’m dealing with other matters that have greater priority. I’ve also reduced the number of movies I’m reviewing, for the same reason. The good news is that the two books I’m reviewing below are very good ones, and very much worth reading.

* I also have eight essays and articles for you… again, very much worth reading – and you can zip through all of them in about an hour.

* Plus, as always, there’s something extra at the end.

The Blind Watchmaker 

By Richard Dawkins
496 pages
Published 1986

This was the first Richard Dawkins book I’ve read, but it won’t be the last. It was suggested by my book app, probably because of the three Steven Pinker books I’ve read in the past 18 months – Enlightenment NowRationality, and How the Mind Works – all of which I rated very highly.

Pinker is, among other things, an evolutionary biologist who has made a name for himself in the past two decades through his books and Harvard lectures on language, culture, history, and brain science. Dawkins, too, is an evolutionary biologist. He became a noted public intellectual in the 1980s as a result of this book (published in 1986) and The Selfish Gene(published in 1989), as well as his subsequent public debates on religion and atheism.

The fact that this book was written 40 years ago made me that much more eager to read it.

What It’s About

At its simplest level, The Blind Watchmaker is about Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection. You might wonder why such a book needed to be written 100 years after Darwin’s death. The answer would be that during the 1970s and 1980s, an anti-evolutionary theory made its way into public prominence that sounded not just plausible but the equal of Darwin’s explanation of how and when Homo sapiens became Homo sapiens. And it restored to Creationism the respectability that so many religious believers had long desired.

The counter-argument to natural selection, simply put, is this: When you consider the immense biological complexity of the human being, it is impossible to believe that it could have come into existence by accident. It must have been created by an even more complex divine intelligence.

To counter the counter-argument, Dawkins uses the example of the human eye. He begins by noting that there are simple organisms that are capable only of distinguishing between light and dark, and then only barely. He then leads the reader through a series of thousands of minor modifications, which could easily be explained by minor mutations to those organisms, that could have ended up as something as elegant and complex as the eye. In leading the reader through this trail of logic and probability, he supplements his argument by pointing to several creatures whose various seeing apparatuses are living examples of intermediate levels of complexity.

Later in the book, he expands on his argument by describing how randomness coupled with cumulative selection can easily explain the complexity of the human eye. In fact, he proves, quite convincingly to me, that it is mathematically impossible for the human eye, or something equivalently utile, not to have arrived through natural selection.

What I Liked About It

The Blind Watchmaker is intelligent, intellectually stimulating, and immensely edifying. As I often felt reading Steven Pinker’s books, it gave me the feeling that I was learning something both fascinating and important, and from someone I would like to have in my circle of friends.

* I very much liked the fact that, in addition to learning about natural selection at a deeper level than I’d ever understood it, I was seeing Dawkins exercise a deeply contrarian impulse with a brilliant, cutting, sometimes searing wit that I’d describe as Steven Pinker crossed with Oscar Wilde.

* Another big plus for me was the chapters in which he makes the effort to make his argument mathematically. So much of modern science and philosophy has been given over to mathematicians whose theorems and calculus are far beyond my level of comprehension that I often give up on reading their books after a chapter or two. Somehow, thankfully, Dawkins kept his math to a level that I could follow.

Critical Reception 

* “Dawkins restrains his combative secular humanism here to write a patient, often beautiful book… that begins in a generous mood and sustains its generosity to the end…. It is one of the best books ever to address, patiently and persuasively, the question that has baffled bishops and disconcerted dissenters alike: How did nature achieve its astonishing complexity and variety?” – Tim Radford, The Guardian

* Dawkins “succeeds admirably in showing how natural selection allows biologists to dispense with such notions as purpose and design,” and is “not content with rebutting creationists” but goes on to press home his arguments against alternative theories to neo-Darwinism. – Michael T. Ghiselin, The New York Times


* The title of the book refers to the watchmaker analogy made famous by William Paley in his 1802 book Natural Theology or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of a Deity.

* In an appendix to the 1996 edition of the book, Dawkins explains how his experiences with computer models led him to a greater appreciation of the role of embryological constraints on natural selection.

* In the preface, Dawkins states that he wrote the book “to persuade the reader, not just that the Darwinian worldview happens to be true, but that it is the only known theory that could, in principle, solve the mystery of our existence.”

About the Author 

Richard Dawkins is a British evolutionary biologist, zoologist, science communicator, and author. He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, and was Professor for Public Understanding of Science in the University of Oxford from 1995 to 2008. He set up the Richard Dawkins Foundation in 2006 to promote the cause of removing religion from science.

I both listened to the book when I was driving and read it in book form when I was relaxing at home. That allowed me to digest the content in two voices: that of Richard Dawkins (who narrated the audiobook) and the one in my head, which, I think, allowed me to get into it with a greater level of interest and comprehension.

That said, I gave The Blind Watchmaker an average score of 4.5, plus bonus points for the sheer number of novel insights and smart observations it provided on almost every page.

My Rating 

Verticality: 4.5 – The subject was covered well and broadly.
Horizontality: 4.5 – The subject is important.
Literary Richness: 4.5 – The writing was smart and sassy.
Bonus Points: 0.4
Overall Score: 4.9 out of 5.0 – A great book. Highly recommended.


Into the Buzzsaw: 
The Myth of the Free Press 

Edited by Kristina Borjesson
462 pages
Published 2002

A paperback copy of the book was on a shelf of books in the bedroom of our little cottage at the botanical gardens. I had no recollection of buying it. Nor of reading about it. Had I picked it up at a yard sale? Could it have been left by a visitor or one of the kids?

I liked the subtitle: The Myth of the Free Press. For a moment, I assumed it had been written and published recently, since the world went Woke and decided that censorship was not only a reasonable response to hate speech but to any sort of information that could be inconvenient to the Big Government, Big War, Big Food, and Big Sickness industrial complexes.

I had read plenty on that subject over the past six to eight years in the alternative press. But a brief description of this book on its back cover promised a different perspective: It was a collection of essays from 18 professional journalists (mostly from the Legacy Media, such as the BBC, ABC News, The New York Times, the Associated Press, The New York Observer) who had confronted the threat of censorship firsthand.

But then I looked at the copyright page and discovered that it was published in 2002 – 14 years before I began researching the censorship industry. What sort of censorship was going on then? And from whom?

As soon as I began reading Into the Buzzsaw, I was embarrassed to have asked such questions. It presents personal accounts of stories I had remembered reading about decades earlier – from police brutality, to investigations of toxic dump sites, to reportage of civilian casualties in Afghanistan, to exposés of hospitals that were killing some of their patients.

What I Liked About It

Kristina Borjesson, who compiled and edited the book, must have encouraged her fellow contributors to eschew any inclinations they might have had about sounding balanced. The stories read the way you might imagine they’d be told by salty old reporters talking shop to one another at a local watering hole. I liked that approach. It made for lots of very direct and often amusing characterizations of prominent individuals. (Such as when one described Tom Brokaw as “a professional hair-do.”)

The through theme is a concern for the erosion of integrity in the media – most aggressively in local television, but well embedded in network TV, cable TV, and even mainstream newspapers. In 2002, this was not common knowledge. The public’s trust in the news media was, in percentage terms, high (in the 60s and even the 70s, depending on which poll I looked at). Today, it is at an all-time low, hovering in the low 30s. Reading Into the Buzzsaw gave me, at times, the chills, thinking about how close we came to the collusion of Big Business and Big Media during the last four years of the Biden administration. And wondering whether it could happen again in the next four years.

What Concerned Me a Bit 

What bothered me about the stories in the book arose from the same casual approach that pleased me. There were a number of facts stated that seemed questionable and an equal number of complaints made about being treated poorly that didn’t seem reasonable. But of course, if you get a seat at a table where conversations like these are taking place, you have to expect a certain amount of exaggeration to enrich the drama.

Critical Reception 

Into the Buzzsaw won the National Press Club’s Arthur Rowse Award for Media Criticism and the Independent Publishers Award. I don’t think the book got a lot of publicity. I found almost nothing about it on the internet, and only two comments that I would characterize as “criticism.”

* From Publisher’s Weekly: “If members of the general public read this book, or even portions of it, they will be appalled. To the uninitiated reader, the accounts of what goes on behind the scenes at major news organizations are shocking. Executives regularly squelch legitimate stories that will lower their ratings, upset their advertisers or miff their investors. Unfortunately, this dirt is unlikely to reach unknowing news audiences, as this volume’s likely readership is already familiar with the current state of journalism.”

* “One recurring theme in Into the Buzzsaw is the claim that the leading lights of television and print journalism are sheep when it comes to relying on government sources, even though these sources are often interested parties in the stories. If a top reporter’s source in the White House, CIA, Pentagon, etc., denies a story, that seems to satisfy most of our major media outlets.”


The impetus for the book arose when Kristina Borjesson found herself in the middle of an investigation of the 1996 TWA flight 800 crash off the coast of Long Island.

Assigned to cover the story for CBS, she stumbled upon a series of red flags that should have tipped off any curious reporter. The fact that the military wouldn’t allow the NYPD dive team access to the area for almost three days after the crash – and when they did, only allowed them to search certain areas for remains. Or the so-called “30-knot clip” – a blip on recorded images of radar screens that shows a large surface vessel moving at a high rate of speed away from the area right after the plane erupted in a ball of flames. In addition, numerous credible witnesses from the Long Island shore who went un-interviewed (or were dismissed when interviewed) claim to have seen something rise from the surface of the ocean and explode just before they saw the plane come apart and plunge into the water. Finally, the bullying tactics, ever-changing stories, and outright lies offered by the government’s lead investigator (who landed a plum job at CBS right after the investigation) all led her to chase the story of a government cover-up with regard to the possibility that the US Navy accidentally shot down flight 800 during a training exercise.

The final straw came one evening when Borjesson and fellow investigator Kelly O’Meara left some crucial evidence in the trunk of Borjesson’s car overnight in front of the building in which they were staying. What happened next is the stuff of pulp spy-thriller fare: “The next morning, we went to the car, and O’Meara opened the trunk. Everything was there, except for the TWA 800 documents and O’Meara’s computer. The trunk lock itself looked untouched and worked perfectly. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, these things do happen in the United States of America. I would never have believed it if I hadn’t experienced it myself.”

About the Editor

Born in Washington, DC, Kristina Borjesson grew up in Port-au-Prince Haiti, the daughter of a civil engineer and a businesswoman. An Emmy and Murrow Award-winning investigative reporter, she published her first book, Into the Buzzsaw, in response to being censored herself while working on a story. (See “Interesting,” above.)

My Rating 

Verticality: 4.0 – The subject was covered satisfactorily.
Horizontality: 4.9 – The subject is very important.
Literary Richness: 4.0 – The writing was efficient.
Overall Score: 4.3 out of 5.0 – Worth reading.

Eight magazine articles and/or journal essays that either changed my mind or deepened my opinion on something that matters to me…

1. Mad scientists creating hybrid creatures in secret labs
By Michael Snyder
Michael Snyder’s Substack
Read Time: 9 min.
Michael Snyder must be the most prolific blogger writing about hard-to-believe conspiracies and imminent existential disasters on the World Wide Web. His reports are so constant I couldn’t possibly fact-check half of them if I spent 20 hours a week doing so. That’s one of the reasons I don’t fact-check them. I enjoy them for whatever they are.

On March 11, he put out this one that cited all sorts of crazy experiments going on in laboratories around the world that sound very much like they were taken from a 1970s low-budget screenplay. For example: A team of scientists in Japan has created a “plant-animal hybrid” that utilizes solar-powered tissues. Another team of scientists in Texas has created “a humanized mouse with a fully developed and functional human immune system.” And in Australia, a company known as Cortical Labs has developed the very first “biological computer,” which fuses human brain cells with silicon hardware.

2. “Hi, My Name Is Allan, and I’m a Compulsive Gambler”
By Allan Loeb
The Free Press
Read Time: 11 min.
The tone of this article is casual and very from-the-inside. It reminded me of that book/movie about the mafia guy that ends up as a player in Hollywood.

3. A (short but) fascinating history of Las Vegas
History Facts
Read Time: 7.5 min.
“Rising up from the Nevada desert, the city’s built environment is so extravagant that it’s difficult to imagine a time when its spectacle did not exist, fully formed. Let’s go back and trace the origins of this uniquely American city.” Read more here.

4. “Another Reason to Move to Florida”
By James Freeman
The Wall Street Journal
Read Time: 8.5 min.
My state, Florida, is very business-friendly. In fact, it was recently rated the fourth most tax-competitive state by the Tax Foundation, trailing only Wyoming, South Dakota, and Alaska. All four have forgone individual state income taxes. South Dakota and Wyoming also have no corporate income tax. And now, Gov. Ron DeSantis is considering yet a bolder move for Florida: getting rid of property taxes. Would that bring Florida to the number one position? Almost certainly – so long as cutting waste in local government budgets can offset the end of property taxes. Is that possible? Click here.

5. Crypto tycoon sues collector over $78 million art fraud allegations
Art Law & More
Read Time: 4.0 min.
This short article sent to me by LC, legal counsel on all things related to my nonprofit art collection and future museum of Central American Modern Art, presents a brief, but IMHO accurate, view of the ever-growing dangers of fraud in the world of fine art.

6. “Death Row Inmate Saved by Supreme Court”
By Rupa Subramanya
The Free Press
Read Time: 11.5 min.
“Lea Glossip has been waiting nine years for this moment. The anti–death penalty activist struck up a pen pal friendship with death row inmate Richard Glossip in 2016. Six years later, they married, when he was 59 and she was 32. She always believed that Glossip – who was convicted of murdering his boss in 1998 at the motel in Oklahoma City where he worked – was innocent. So did many others. He had been scheduled to die nine times and had eaten his last meal three times when his case finally went to the Supreme Court. It was his last chance for a reprieve.” Read more here.

7. Male octopuses avoiding being eaten after sex
By Sarah Kuta
The Smithsonian Magazine
Read Time: 6.5
I’ve read about female animals that kill (usually by eating) their mates after mating. The best known are spiders (black widow spiders and jumping spiders). It also happens with anacondas and some octopuses. But in one species of octopus, blue-lined octopuses, natural selection has saved the males from being eaten in a unique way. Click here.

8. “Europe’s Female Leaders Want War”
By John Leake
Focal Points
Read Time: 2.5 min.
The less you know about something, the more you are at liberty to fantasize about it. Click here.

How’s this for a spectacular sunset!

Cocktail hour at Rancho Santana, Nicaragua 

Impressive: Sondre & Tanya Win 1st Place in the Boogie Woogie Fast Final 

Watch it here.