From GM re what I said about the failure of “The War on Poverty” in the Feb. 12 issue:

“I don’t see how any progress can be made when you have a country hell-bent on importing poverty at a furious rate. The US has been doing this for decades and, most alarmingly, for the last three years. Under the current circumstances, I’m surprised the numbers aren’t much, much worse. I believe they are. More lying figures from our overlords.”

From JS: 

“Mark, did you see the Feb. 6 press conference the Republicans had defending Donald Trump against claims of ‘insurrection’ and then charging the major media with covering up news that damaged Biden and son? If not, you should check it out. This is the first time I’ve seen so many pols criticizing the media in such harsh terms.”

My Response: Yes, I saw it. And I agree. I’ve never seen so many Republicans take such a strong stance in defending Trump. They were always divided on Democratic-led attacks on Trump, but now that it’s becoming clear that he will not only be their candidate for president in 2024 but that he has a good chance of winning, they are changing their tactics by harshly criticizing the media for supporting the most absurd conspiracy theory – that on Jan. 6, 2021, he incited an insurrection.

Of the statements made in the press conference, the one by Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) got the greatest media response because it had the harshest criticism of the media. In fact, his words were so blunt that I sat there watching it, slack-jawed, half-expecting some guys in jackboots to haul him off the platform!

Note to Readers: I included a link to a video clip of Crane in last week’s blog. If you missed it, here it is again. And if, after watching it and looking up the denotation of “insurrection” in the dictionary, you still believe that what happened on Jan. 6 was an insurrection, and that Trump is guilty of instigating it, please write to me and explain how that could possibly be true.


From CD re global warming: 

“If you doubt the veracity of government figures on unemployment, why do you not question the data on global warming. It seems the scientists are all on the government teat too! Where I live in South Australia, it has been a cool summer for the last three years. Taking the temperature in city areas heated by the infrastructure is surely not an accurate way to gauge temperature. With the northern icecap seemingly increasing, there is some thought that with sunspots decreasing we may be in for global cooling in a new Solar Minimum. Maybe you could take a look when you get time.”

My Response: Thanks for the question. As for me, I doubt everything the government publishes – reports, statements, explanations, and data. That doesn’t mean I think everything the government and its agencies report to us about everything they track is false. But since the government is political and since politics is about power rather than truth, I take everything they say as propaganda, unless my reading and thinking convinces me otherwise.

In the case of COVID, what the government was saying, from the very beginning, was so utterly and evidently absurd that I began calling out the contradictions from day one. And as the lockdowns took hold and the government and its cronies began to silence, by threat and by force, the many scientists that refuted their propaganda, I became increasingly alarmed by how far this was going towards Fascism. And by how many – how most – supposedly educated Americans believed every obvious lie.

In the case of global warming, I distrust the government narrative for the same reason: I see it as politically motivated – i.e., a set of often-unproven talking points to bond with a significant group of voters. I’m also aware of the data and theories that contradict the global warming narrative. If our government agencies were not corrupt, they would consider all contrary information with alacrity and respect, instead of denying it with authoritatively pronounced statements that have little to no basis in science.

In any case, I believe the entire debate about global warming is a useless farce because countries with the largest and poorest populations in the world – India, China, Africa, and South America – need fossil fuels to survive whatever problems are on their way and to increase the quality of life for their billions of inhabitants.

Given the actual science, and the desire of the governments to move their economies into first-world status, there is going to be no pulling back on the consumption of fossil fuels for the next 10 years or so. If anything, there will be an increase in consumption.


Re my Contrary Truths series:

From SC: “I’m looking forward to reading more of this series. The first few contrary truths you shared in the Feb. 6 issue have already been thought-provoking. Point No. 3, particularly: ‘If the universe has any meaning, it is ironic – that life is a joke laughing at itself. All the best art and music is… a recognition of the fundamental irony of life and living.’

“I agree that the ‘universe’ is a neutral force, functioning on and reflecting irony, as that is its nature. And I think the art that rings true is the kind that acknowledges that our efforts to change things is ultimately frivolous. But I think the art that feels most complete, most wholesome, is the kind that urges us to strive anyway. Sure, it might not make much of a difference, but something within our human spirit demands it and feels rewarded just by the effort, not necessarily based on the result.”


From RB: “Your five behavior modification points in the Feb. 12 issue are all ones my wife and I struggle with daily in handling our adult special needs child. And my greatest frustration is that I cannot get my wife to stop doing #2 (‘trying to beat the odds by scolding or cajoling someone into changing their ways’).”

From JS: “How Does a BAD Thing Succeed?”

“As we all know, the country of Argentina is in a very, very bad economic situation, with inflation and poverty skyrocketing – and it was one of the richest countries in the world. How does that happen? Just open your eyes and you’ll figure it out.

“Now Javier Milei, the new elected leader, wants to end this downward slide and he has opposition. But what are they opposing? Success!

“Two different times in this article titled ‘Lefts Take Aim at Argentina’s New President’ in The Daily Signal, The Heritage Foundation’s Mike Gonzalez, uses the word ‘succeed’ in reference to Milei’s free-market reforms – and then says it’s a BAD thing.

From RD re this essay – “Ego, Inspiration, and Achievement” – that I wrote years ago: 

“Thank you for writing this one. It resonated with me.”

From DG: Suing the COVID Makers

“As you can see from this article, it looks like people are suing the drug companies over the COVID vaccines in the UK. I remember you saying they couldn’t do this in the US, but it does raise another question about how dangerous they are.”

From LM: AWAI Needs You! 

“I recommend that you have AWAI send out a few of your articles each year or each month to the AWAI subscribers so we all can discover sooner rather than later. I was an early subscriber to Early to Rise and early buyer of your Michael Masterson and AWAI books, and I joined Circle of Success around 2016. But it took me until 2024 to discover! I learned of this site only through a link at the bottom of your article on goals that Craig Ballantyne recommended in his email.”

My Response: I can’t disagree with you! I Think every success-oriented business should be featuring my essays! The world would be much better, in my humble opinion, with more Mark Ford in it!

From BK: 

“Mark…You are getting more political these days. I like it!”

My Response: Western Civilization is definitely on the downslope. One can ignore some of it, and even laugh about some of it, but there’s never been a time I can remember when so many scary things were going on at the same time. And the war mongers and Big Pharma shills on both sides of the aisle want to make it much worse!

From JM, re my comment in the Jan. 2 issue that, according to several reports, women are more likely than men to have love partners before their divorce: 

“That also happens prior to a marriage. It is a survival strategy of not abandoning one ship before you have a different one to go to….”

From OM, a native of Nicaragua who is currently living in Florida: 

“A close friend of mine just visited Rancho Santana and he was stunned by the property and the beautiful community you built. The fact that you gave back to the locals by providing upward mobility to better their lives is a testament to who you are. Thank you.”

My Response: Thank you for your kind words. Of the many businesses and projects I’ve been involved in during my career, I’m especially proud of Rancho Santana (a for-profit resort) and FunLimón (a non-profit community center across the street from Rancho Santana). When I think that, 25 years ago, they were vacant land and cow pastures in one of the poorest districts in one of the poorest countries of Central America, it blows my mind.

From AS re my bit in the Dec. 22 issue about bad business-management ideas: 

“In my business, I would choose an Employee of the Month, every month. The staff had to park their cars in a lot away from our building. The reward for being Employee of the Month was to park your car right next to our workplace for an entire month.

“The award was in effect for over a year. The same employee, Greg, won it every single month. He didn’t own a car. No one’s feelings were hurt.”

From PJ: 

“I want to thank you for writing Automatic Wealth for Grads. I read it last year just before I graduated from university, and immediately put many of your suggestions to work. So far, I’ve landed a high-paying job, and I’m saving more than a third of my income. This year, I’m going to put some of that to work by investing in rental real estate and your Legacy Portfolio of stocks. I’ll check in next year to update you!”


From CC: 

“Just a short note to tell you that I am very grateful for the generous people God has put in my life… including your blog, which has allowed your readers to learn from your knowledge and wisdom. God bless you and your family.”

Re my essay “A World Divided: Is a New Dark Age Coming?” in the Dec. 10 issue: 

“Today’s post was very well done and lays perfectly a great historical proposition, summary, and conclusion for the argument you make.” – CF

“I thought I had a pessimistic view of the future. A new dark age? I wish I could dismiss your thought as crazy. Every day since you wrote that I’ve been watching the news and thinking, ‘Mark may be on to something!’ Keep on it!” – KC

My Response: Yes, my view on America’s future is dark. In fact, I think we (and Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand) have entered another Dark Age. I’d like to think that the “other side” must understand how absurd their ideas are and will come to their senses before it’s too late.

Fans in unexpected places! 

“I’ve been following your personal blog for a long time. I am a fan of the way you write.” – RF, writing from Brazil

“Your book Living Rich resonated with me to such an extent that I have begun translating it into Romanian. It’s an honor to bring your valuable ideas to my fellow Romanians. Furthermore, your blog and other works, such as Ready, Fire, Aim, have been instrumental in my personal journey, helping me increase my net wealth by twentyfold.” – RS, writing from Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania

My Response: Thanks, RS.

Reminder: Readers of this blog can order most of my books – including Living Rich and Ready, Fire, Aim – directly from us at a discounted price. Click here.

From JS re what I said about my recent doctor visit in the Dec. 10 issue: 

“I never did get vaccinated as I didn’t trust it. Now you are the third person I have known to have adverse effects. Glad the good doctor was receptive to your concerns.”

From FP re my “World Divided” essay: 

“Loved your brief history of post-modernist thinking. It’s amazing to realize that college kids today buy into the idea that Israel colonized Palestine and runs an apartheid state.”

My Response: I’m sure they don’t even know the basic definitions of apartheid and colonialization. If they did, how could they possibly take the positions they are taking?

From GF: 

“I have been following you for about three years and have purchased several of your books. Thanks for all your writings. I truly enjoy!”

From CW: Ready, Fire, Aim – “It cut through all the BS…”

“I recently read your book Ready, Fire, Aim and thought it so nearly cut through all the BS and distilled the stages a new business goes through (hopefully) on its way to Stage 4.”

My Response: Thanks, CW!

By the way, readers of this blog can order most of my books – including Ready, Fire, Aim – directly from us at a discounted price. Click here.