An email from VA:

I wish I had Automatic Wealth for Grads when I was starting out.

What makes this book special is its brilliant niche: It performs a true service for anyone starting out… or even starting over. We get so little training in economics – if we get any at all. Plus, when we’re young, we tend to think we have all the time in the world, and fail to take the long view. I know I did. This book addresses these educational defects.

In addition to the sound practical advice, [your] philosophy puts a new spin on “win-win.”

An email from SM:

Thank you for everything Mark.  For telling me that I had potential. For encouraging me to try something I would not have tried otherwise. For the many hours, you spent mentoring me and teaching me the basics… for the opportunity to better my life…

 You taught me many things about writing advertising copy and about business, but in retrospect, I can see that the most important lesson you taught me was a personal one. Do you remember when, after talking about a problem I was having with my old job, you told me, “Stop complaining, no one wants to hear it!”?

 That was hard to take initially, but it forced me to examine that aspect of my personality. It gave me the opportunity to change it. And that has made me a more effective businessperson and a happier soul. So thank you most of all for that!

 PS: I know I’m not the only one that has a story about “when Mark was tough on me.” You’ve told me there are legions. I hope they realize, as I do, how easy it would have been for you to NOT give out that tough love when it was called for.


An email from JL:

      Mark – I wanted to say thank you:

For answering an email from an obscure “nobody” back in 2004… agreeing to give feedback on his first front-end package…

For the countless times you performed similar “little miracles” with my copy over the years… 

For being there for me and all of my copywriters, time and again, and the HOURS and even days of time and attention you’ve given us all. We all owe you a huge debt of gratitude…

For your hospitality at your office, the cigar bar, etc., over the years…

For all the tips and guidance on how to become more productive, happier, etc.

For being there… EVERY time I’ve made a big transition in my career… and your willingness just to listen, and provide your wisdom and guidance….

            It has been my honor to work for and with you over the years.

An email from BH:

I wanted Mark Ford to know how much I appreciate his books. The ideas and thoughts from his books are so insightful, and so empowering to people who want to improve their lives. What many people forget, I believe, is that his advice – and the potential for that advice to lead to potential prosperity – depends on good execution. One cannot simply read his books and expect to get rich…. Mark provides the key, they/I must actually open the door. 

The main thing I want Mark to know is that he has made a positive difference in my life. I keep Automatic Wealth by my desk and The Pledge often stays in my briefcase. I can open either book up randomly and read something that inspires and motivates me. 


An email from SR:

Although becoming wealthy in America is not an easy task, the steps outlined in Automatic Wealth give the reader a great place to start. All too often, a book is purchased with the hopes of a “magic formula” that will make the reader rich in a week. Not the case. This book shows how to turn dreams into achievable goals, and expects the reader to take action on the advice being offered.

Following the steps in the book has led to more doors of opportunity opening for me, as well as a new mindset that has allowed me to seize opportunities that I would have never seen had I not changed my way of thinking. I promise this book, if followed correctly, will more than pay for itself.

An email from LCP:

I have read many books about business and goals, growing as a person, and I honestly believe your perspective is the most life changing approach I have ever read.  In The Pledge, I love how you give such specific steps on how to organize your office, set goals, your filing system, the way to think, etc.  So many times I feel writers talk about the goal of where they want to take you, but give you nothing to work with in the moment, so as a reader, you feel you never make progress, because you don’t know where to start.  

An email from JK:

 I met Mark at a WBC lunch and…  15 minutes of sharing with him made me clear on how to be an entrepreneur in a unique way.

 I had the opportunity to meet up with Mark two more times…. Pool cleaning company, real estate for rent, financial advisory, car sales, taxi license, were some of the businesses that I created after this. Some have failed, but most are still active…. The greatest lesson learned is to prepare, fire….

 Today my life is fuller and better. I enjoy more wealth in all areas of my life, more money, more time, more family, more good relationships, more pleasures and rewards, more mental creation. I can state that the… interaction with Mark changed my life….

 I hope to continue on the path of wealth creation and to have many pleasurable trials along the way, to definitely enjoy the journey.

An email from RK:

Dear Mark,

It is so nice to find your blog! I have followed your writing since around 2005. ETR was always my first read in the morning. [Your] writing captures my imagination like few others…. I thank you for sharing your timeless wisdom.

An email from CO:

Hey Mark, just wanted to drop you a quick note saying thanks for writing Ready, Fire, Aim. I started a new business that did around $1 million in revenue last year, and your book really laid out the framework to build it to $10 million and beyond.

An email from SL:

 [At the age of 51] I decided to make a real change in my life by not having a TV or internet/computer. For once in my life I could stop being a news junkie and open up a book. I grabbed The Pledge and it fell on a page… about becoming a better person. I read the seven bullet points again and again. It really struck a chord within me and it became my daily mantra. “Focus on opportunities, not problems” has really helped me get on with my work. When you said nothing else you do will bring you peace of mind. Money won’t. Success won’t. FAME won’t, it feels like it is going to prepare me to cope better with my crazy career…. Very powerful words Mark. You should be proud!