An email from NB:

About your essay “Being and Becoming”… thanks for the great read Mark. I am constantly saying (to my loved ones) that it’s not the achievement of the goal that matters but who I become in the process. I must have heard that from Zig Zigler or somewhere in the past and it stuck. I also saw a bit of myself in your personal story of becoming a writer.  


An email from MF:

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I wanted to THANK YOU for your contribution to this day. You need to be proud of the relief work that Rancho Santana folks are doing for the hurricane relief programs. Everyone is making a difference; that trickles down from your vision.


An email from JM:

I just read your essay, “12 Things I’ve Learned About Living a Full Life.” These were excellent. All of them…. I always told my children that smart is when you can learn from your mistakes but brilliant is when you can learn from others’ mistakes. I am going to share with my children and hope they take these 12 things to heart or brain.

Thank you.

An email from LC:

Thank you Mark for your essay on Tribal Dynamics in Business. You put words on feelings that I had (e.g., loathing corporatization) but I didn’t know how to deal with, in the face of entropy. 

An email from TN:

Thanks again for your feedback. You gave me a HARD NO on part of it… but in a world of grays,  a black and white answer is a huge relief.


An email from BC:

Your belief in me was the catalyst for never settling and forever growing. It’s the least I can do to forever pay it forward. It was the ONLY choice.


An email from BJ:

Over and over, I’ve cited this quote by you: “What we need to do in life is available to us. We come across good advice all the time – through the media and in conversation. But most of the time we do not pay attention. But sometimes we do pay attention and just when we need to. Those are the ‘Aha!’ moments that change everything and move us forward.”

 Since taking this advice to heart, I’ve started paying more attention to all the good advice lying around in plain sight. And as a result, I believe I’ve become better at everything I do.

An email from FM:

I have followed you for years! I am completely convinced that Automatic Wealth is the absolute best actionable book about personal wealth building that has ever been written, and hey, I have read entire business sections at some libraries. So, as not to belabor you any longer, let me just say “thank you” for your mentorship from afar. It literally evolved my thinking in real time.

An email from OA:

I just read your series on the Pareto Principle. Loved that you took the principle a notch higher with the “Masterson Mandate.” Great stuff. It’s fascinating that the 80/20 principle is almost as common as the golden ratio in everyday life and in its application.

An email from RM:

I have been reading and following your advice for a while now…. Thank you for not only the advice, but the honesty in your actions.