Re my concerns about the US economy in the May 13 issue: 

“The economic numbers you cited are scary. Have you made any adjustments in your investments in response to them?” – PL

My response: No. I haven’t. Since I favor income over appreciation as a general investing rule, more than 80% of my investments should either keep up with or beat inflation. And half of the other 20% is in precious metals – mostly gold bullion, which will likely increase in value in the coming years.

Re what I said about conceptual art in the May 16 issue: 

“You should listen to your partners about conceptual art. Nobody in the business will take you seriously if you discount it as you do.” – BB, a gallerist from New York

“You are so right. Most conceptual art and performance are rubbish. But, that’s also true of so much of what is called abstract art. Question: What do you think of Cy Twombly?” – CCF

My response: I like a great deal of abstract art. Even COBRA art, which is basically finger-painting writ large. But I have to admit, I never got Cy Twombly or any of the artists that specialized in scribble-scrabble.

Re my presentation at the AWAI Bootcamp in Delray Beach on May 10: 

“Thanks for your advice on copywriting as a ‘financially invaluable’ skill. I never fully understood how many doors it can open in my career. I’m stoked!” – CCJ

“Your explanation of the ‘product development cube’ was brilliant. It gave me a dozen new ideas about how to expand my business. That one technique was worth the cost of the bootcamp.” – AP

Re my lists of “Actors That Make the Difference” in the May 9 issue: 

“I don’t agree with all of [your] categorizations, but it’s the type of thing where everybody will have their own likes and dislikes.” – AS

“I pretty much agree on your Actors list but… Jennifer Lawrence over Meryl Steep? No Sophia Loren?” – KK

Re what I said about war in the May 9 issue – from JM, an old friend and Vietnam War veteran: 

“I believe everyone underestimates the common man. When I was 17, I believed exactly as [you] did. I thought that volunteering for medic school would allow me to not have to carry a gun, but I did not get that assignment, after which I had to make the best of my bad situation and try to survive. I had a nagging sense of duty to which I anticipated a sense of shame if I did not answer it. It was a nightmarish time of my life.”

Re what I said about honesty in the May 2 issue: 

“I wholly agree with your take on honesty. I thought you might like this zinger from William Inge: ‘Let none of us delude himself by supposing that honesty is always the best policy. It is not.’” – CR

Re my interest in visiting Cape May, NJ: 

“Hey, Mark, I can’t say I’ve spent much time in Cape May… but I can tell you that Cape May Brewing Co. makes some very good beers. Their Belgian Ale, Devil’s Reach, stands out. At 8.6% ABV, I’d say it qualifies as a ‘vacation beer.’ Enjoy!” – JZ

Re my books: 

“I’m listening to the Goals and Vision Mastery Course on audible. Was delighted to hear them introduce Michael Masterson and hear you talk about Seven Years to Seven Figures. That’s the second time you have been featured in books I am reading. My big takeaway is I need to read more of your books.” – DM

Re a course I published called Rental Real Estate 101 about 10 years ago. (As I said above, I’m working on turning it into a book.) 

“I have to thank you for your course in real estate investing. I’ve been using it since it first came out and I’ve already made a half million dollars on my rental properties.” – RC

Re the video in Monday’s P.S. – “Is this woman stupid or just crazy?”:  

“Since [the woman’s actions] seemed so, so extreme, I checked up comments and saw people mentioning that he first sideswiped her and then she hit him. It still doesn’t justify what she did, but indeed she does talk about hitting her first at the red light, which perhaps the guy didn’t notice and therefore thought she was crazy.

“I found this article in this not-so-trustable site, but which shows extra footage and it indeed seems there’s more to it.” – BP

Click here to read the article and watch the footage that BP attached.

My response: So, she gets sideswiped and responds by crashing into the back of the car that sideswiped her. (He says that if he did sideswipe her it was so minor he didn’t notice it.) In any case, after crashing into the back of his car on purpose (she admits it), she approaches him and starts yelling.

Does that change the verdict? I don’t think so. It’s not illegal to sideswipe a car unintentionally. But it is illegal to purposely ram into someone’s car. I’d say the verdict is even clearer now. She is both dumb and stupid. Him? He sounds stoned.


Re the essay about my humiliating experience at the Pan Am IBJJF Jiu Jitsu Competition: 

“Great lesson. Thanks for the tip for complete preparation for different outcomes.” – ME

“Sometimes it doesn’t matter how well you prepare, you are just out of your depth.” – JG

“Thanks for this piece today…. mental preparedness is tough. Tougher than physical readiness at times. I appreciated you sharing your experience…. your phrase ‘So, here I am, mentally climbing, inch by inch, out of this well I dug of disappointment and self-recrimination’ resonated with me.” – EN

“I can’t tell you how much I am able to commiserate with you about that feeling of losing. I would tell you, ‘It builds character,’ but I know your life well enough to say, ‘You’ve already built enough character. You don’t need any more.’” – AS

“You are a great winner and a truthful loser! Which in my world is the sign of an Absolute winner! Thanks for the sharing.” – LG