Why I keep doing what I do…
“You gave me advice when I was 19 back in 2005 in ETR that changed my life forever. While I was slow and stupid with the implementation, I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. Thank you!” – JH
Why I keep doing what I do…
“You gave me advice when I was 19 back in 2005 in ETR that changed my life forever. While I was slow and stupid with the implementation, I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. Thank you!” – JH
About my books:
“I’m reading your book The Reluctant Entrepreneur. And just read your book Ready, Fire, Aim. Very inspirational reads. Thank you.” – DV
From Bob Bly re the “Ketchup” brief in the Sept. 2 blog:
“I met and chatted with the ketchup author at an ASJA conference decades ago, when his book Pure Ketchup first came out. I was so fascinated and inspired by his pioneering work in the odd subgenre of ‘culinary history’ that I wrote one of my own, on hot dogs.”
AS wrote to weigh in on something I said in the Aug. 5 issue.
I was wondering why we’re being told that, because of global warming and the melting of polar ice, there will be a dramatic rise in ocean water levels. It didn’t make sense to me. After all, the level of water in a glass doesn’t rise when the ice melts.
AS pointed out that when water heats, it expands. “Okay,” I thought. “That’s true. But could that tiny bit of expansion be enough to explain the entire ocean rising by inches, as has been predicted?” I had no answer to that, so I had to look it up. And I found a good explanation for the water glass phenomenon and the melting glacier phenomenon. It’s pretty interesting! Click here.
Re Tuesday’s issue:
“Don’t assume the Inflation Creation Act is a done deal. We must act positive. Positive that the idiots in the House will squabble on this as they have in the past, and allow this to die on the vine.” – TM
“You mentioned you weren’t sure what to do with the cash coming in from your rental real estate. You might consider rolling T-bills. The 4-week bill is currently paying around 2%. You can buy them commission-free here.Setting up an account is easy. It’s what I’m doing with some of my idle cash.” – RI
Re “A Short History of the Devolution of Air Travel” in the Aug. 2 issue:
“This gave me a good laugh! As my wife and I prepare to take our first international flight since 2019, my feeling of trepidation has gone from a 4 out of 10 to a 9 or 10.” – ND
Re the Aug. 2 P.S. about Fred Astaire… from JM:
“Well, you got me thinking… about Fred… I believe Eleanor Powell was his equal.”
And he included two videos to make his case. Click here. And here.
My Response: Equal in technique. Not in style.
Re “Understanding Gravity in Five Lessons” in the July 22 issue:
“I love your research. The YouTube on Gravity was fascinating. Something I have been interested in for 50 years.” – MF
Another testimonial for our book, Central American Modernism:
“It’s great to get an insight into Salvadoran Modernism in art which is just so hard to find good writings about in this country. I showed the book to my parents, who were impressed since they had no idea there was art created in El Salvador and that museums and collectors collected them outside the country.
“I will continue reading more this weekend and start from the beginning and read about every country since it’s all connected in one way or another. Thank you.”
Consignment Director
Urban & Contemporary Art
Someone talking about me…
Todd Brown, one of the brightest young marketers in the industry these days, sent this in:
“Thought you’d maybe enjoying seeing this little clip of me talking about you during a live interview.”
Watch it here.
“One hour speaking to you is worth a year of reading books!” – TD
RS sent me this little video. It’s a touching story, if I do say so myself. He said, “Not sure if you remember this.” (I didn’t. But it I’m not going to forget it now.) Click here.
Questions and requests:
“Hi Mark, what’s your opinion on mastermind groups? I’m wanting to connect with more experienced business owners and raise the bar of my business and my skills. Do you recommend any?” – AB
My Response: I’m all for them. I’ve never been to any sort of “mastermind” session, formal or informal, without coming away from it with at least several good ideas. Growing a business means creating constant change and constant change requires a constant source of new ideas. No one idea is a placebo. And many ideas are not appropriate for a given business at a given time. But that’s not a problem for the entrepreneur that is willing to consider new ideas and test them intelligently. More is better when it comes to business- and wealth-building ideas.
“Dear Mr. Ford – What is the biggest challenge any of your companies is facing that’s keeping you up at night and you must solve now?” – SV
My Response: Biggest challenges change as companies grow. When you are starting out, the biggest problem is finding out how to sell your products/services profitably before you run out of money, time, and/or patience. At other stages, the biggest problems are related to scaling. Or management. Or talent. If you’d like to know more, you should read a book I wrote about the big changes and how to deal with them. It’s called Ready, Fire, Aim.
“I’d like to create winning health promotions for The Agora Company. But I’m not sure how to go about it. Please, I’d love your advice and guidance. Looking forward to your response. Thank you.” – HO
My Response: I don’t pass along requests like this to my colleagues in Agora or to any other colleagues in any of my businesses. Not because they might not be useful, but because if I did I’d begin to get a hundred a day and my colleagues would stop talking to me. If you want to write advertising copy for Agora’s health publishing division, you should do some research and find out how they want to be approached. And then learn as much as you can about their products and their advertising so that, when you approach them, your letter will stand out from the rest.
Re the Amazon drone delivery video in the July 22 issue:
“The Amazon drone delivery video was super futuristic for a baby boomer like me. Having once owned a business, I couldn’t help but wonder, ‘Does Amazon get the box used by the drones to carry the items back, or does the recipient keep it? It can’t be cheap to use those boxes one time only. Are they recyclable?” – AS
My Response: Amazon has made a big deal out of its efforts to make its packaging recyclable. So, once the drone delivery service is up and running, I’m assuming there will be some way to recycle whatever packaging they’re going to use for it. Most items will probably be in the usual cardboard box. For items that have to go in the plastic bin shown in the video, I’m guessing there will be an extra fee for the bin that will be refunded when you return it to one of Amazon’s already established drop-off locations (Whole Foods, UPS, Kohl’s stores, etc.).
Re the article in the July 19 issue about auto makers, including Porsche, using the subscription model as a new sales tool, GM sent this in:
Lyrics from End of the Line by the Traveling Wilburys:
Don’t have to be ashamed of the car I drive
I’m just happy to be here, happy to be alive
It don’t matter if you’re by my side
I’m satisfied
Re the latest news about Rancho Santana in Friday’s issue:
“Love to read you on Facebook. I have spent 10 days in Santana enjoying the paradise you guys created and more and more appreciate how fortunate I was to be part of it. The place is magical, and just to sit in front of Rosada, watching a sunset and listening to the ocean while watching the big waves, lifts my spirits to continue living in spite of the age which advances whether I like it or not.” – MB
Re the Palm Beach Wealth Builders Club:
“Several years ago I signed up for the Palm Beach Wealth Builders Club and have since lost track of how I access information. Can you help?” – MP
My Response: When I retired for the third (or fourth?) time several years ago, the Club was closed. But If you were a paid member, you would have by then received all the materials they published.
The one element that was meant to be ongoing was my twice-yearly update on my investment portfolio and occasional essays on investing. These, you now get for free here on my blog.
Re my mention of The Stanley Hotel in the July 12 issue:
“Beautiful hotel in a stunning location. I didn’t know it was the inspiration for The Shining. A great movie, btw.” – TO
Re the July 15 issue:
“Three articles in this blog that were utterly fascinating: The Mathematical Power of Three Random Words, the William Blake article – I became a Marginalia donor as a result – and the Omeleto video. Thank you for your research. It gives me hours of reading pleasure.” – MF
A plug for my book The Pledge:
“Incredible Book! I highly recommend it to anyone that wants more success in their lives at a much faster rate!” – SV