“Wait for my mum’s voice…”
This kid has a great voice. And his mother’s? Click here.
More evidence that mammals are more than we assume. This one is almost unbelievable.
Click here.
Will this little girl be canceled?
I don’t know where this came from. I’m guessing it was some conservative programming with traditional bits like this. And it’s clear that this kid has been relentlessly practicing the answer she gives here. Still… it’s funny to hear her say the unsayable!
Click here.
Sure, These May Be Cherry-Picked, but Still…
Another amusing episode of “How Dumb Are Young People Today.” I love the last bit, where the young woman could rattle off the names of all the Kardashians but couldn’t name the capital of the US!
Click here.
One day I’ll research an evolution-based explanation for this behavior. In the meantime, seeing these animal/owner reunions makes me believe in love.
Click here.
Is opera an acquired taste?
I used to think so. But watch this baby’s reaction. Click here.
And You Keep the Camera Running…
This is very funny. It’s Matt Damon talking about making The Departed with Jack Nicholson, and how Nicholson reinvents a short, shocking scene into one that’s slightly longer but much more gruesome. Damon tells the story perfectly, with a good imitation of Nicholson’s voice.
Click here.
Rancho Santana just snagged a few more awards…
One award that will be of interest for manly adventurers, and another for adventurous moms and daughters.
Click here.
And here.
Quaydarius Davis: He’s Got Moves
I don’t follow football. I played it in high school, but I prefer to watch basketball, because it’s so easy to see the amazing athleticism of the players without the pads and with fewer people on the field. When I looked at this clip of Quaydarius Davis when he was in high school, though, I was tempted to try to watch football again. Or at least watch highlights of his games. (I think he played for Texas Southern as a freshman and sophomore, and is in the transfer pool today.)
Click here.
JF sent this as an example of how Bud Light promoted itself “before they got caught up in the culture wars.” Click here.