A Truism
Dustin Hoffman explains the secret of successful marriages. (It certainly explains mine.)
A Truism
Dustin Hoffman explains the secret of successful marriages. (It certainly explains mine.)
Impressive: Sondre & Tanya Win 1st Place in the Boogie Woogie Fast Final
Watch it here.
Listen to this!
Allie Sherlock & 12-year-old Ed Sheeran singing Hallelujah…
Conspiracy theory?
This video keeps getting taken down. I wonder why?
Watch Time: 1 min.
What is RFK Jr. saying?
Here’s a 15-second clip that makes it clear and simple. (Thanks to JS for sending this in.)
A Tutorial on Karma
Bill Maher, at his very best, on what karma is… and isn’t. Click here.
Puns Galore!
Thanks to JM for sending these in…
* I never thought orthopedic shoes would really work for me. But I stand corrected.
* Once upon a time there was a king who was only 12 inches tall. He was a terrible king but he made a great ruler.
* I wrote a book on how to fall down the stairs. It’s a step-by-step guide.
* “Doctor, my child swallowed a roll of film. What should I do?” “Let’s wait and see if anything develops.”
* An armed man ran into a real estate agency and shouted, “Nobody move!”
* Got drunk yesterday and threw up in the elevator on my way back home. It was disgusting on so many levels.
* I asked the surgeon if I could administer my own anesthetic. He said, “Sure. Knock yourself out!”
* In Britain it’s called a lift but Americans call it an elevator. I guess we were just raised differently.
* 97% of people are stupid. Glad I’m in the other 5%.
* Can someone please tell me what LGBTQ+ stands for? Nobody is giving me a straight answer.
* The Lord said to John, “Come forth and ye shall receive eternal life.” But John came fifth and got a toaster instead.
And finally…
* I have 2 unwritten rules.
When Jim Carrey Goes Off Script…
It shouldn’t surprise anyone, but this eight-minute video digest of Jim Carrey going off script on various movie sets demonstrates his special comedic genius.
Believe it or not…
This cookbook infomercial isn’t an SNL skit.
Prepare to be amazed!
Click here to watch dancers from Russia’s Moiseyev Ballet show off their incredible athletic ability.