Did You Hear About This? 

Jackass climate activists at it again!

On a square-foot basis, the Rijksmuseum could be my favorite museum in the world, with a collection of all the greatest works of the greatest Dutch artists, from Rembrandt to Van Gogh. Thus, I was disappointed to hear that Extinction Rebellion, the naïve activist group whose tactics are as obnoxious as their ideas are nonsensical, “cyber-attacked” the museum last month. They did it by booking out a weekend exhibition online and then cancelling their reservations at the last minute. As a result, the museum, normally packed on a holiday weekend with about 8,000 people, was practically empty.

Why did they do it? Because the museum banks with ING, a global financial institution that, like any large company, respects its fiduciary duties to its shareholders.


The “ineffectuals” ineffectually protesting at the SOTU Address

I didn’t watch Trump’s State of the Union Address, but I caught some clips on social media and read a few online reviews, including this from John Leake writing in Focal Points:

“A friend just sent me the image above…. I was instantly reminded of the scene in the film Animal House when the endearing but hapless Larry Kroger and Kent Dorfman attend a party at the snobby and sadistic Omega House and are promptly shuffled to a side room and introduced to Muhammed, Jugdish, Sidney, and Clayton.

“Back when Harold Ramis and Douglas Kenney wrote the script in 1978, we all understood that Douglas Neidermeyer and Greg Marmalard were terrible guys and that Larry Kroger, Kent Dorfman, Muhammed, Jugdish, Sidney, and Clayton were something like ‘the meek who shall inherit the Earth.’ However, at some point over the last 20 years, the pendulum of the American Zeitgeist swung to the other extreme, resulting in silly, ineffectual people like Representative Nydia Velázquez being elected to high office.

“Now, in Trump’s second term, the ineffectual are losing the support structure that has propped them up in power. Being ineffectual, they are flailing about looking for some means of resisting their acceleration towards irrelevance and obscurity. It seems that holding up lollipop-shaped protest signs during the President’s address is the best they can do.”


Tapper’s surprise: Yes, Biden was brain dead! 

I don’t know whether to admire him for his balls or mock him for his brazen sycophantism, but CNN’s Jake Tapper deserves some kind of award for writing and promoting a book on Biden’s mental decline, after having fiercely denied that the old man was unplugged if not batshit crazy from 2020 to 2024. As someone (sorry, I didn’t make a note of the name) said, Tapper is both the person who should not have written the book and the person who should have, because “his dishonesty and hypocrisy exactly encapsulate modern journalism.” Click here

Speaking of hypocrisy…

I literally slapped the side of my head the other day reading Jeff Bezos’s statement last week about remaking the image of The Washington Post. He said, “We are going to be writing every day in support and defense of two pillars: personal liberties and free markets.” Click here.


Newsy cartoon of the month

Did You Hear About This? 

The News: NPR has a new chief operating officer

On Jan. 13, Ryan Merkley was named NPR’s new COO. “Throughout his career Ryan has demonstrated a commitment to the public trust, leading organizations that prioritize universal access to the common good,” said NPR president Katherine Maher (who is perhaps best known for describing the First Amendment as the “number one challenge” that makes it “tricky” to remove content).

The View: Merkley’s prior job was Director of the Aspen Institute’s “Commission on Information Disorder,” whose big-name participants included Katie Couric, Prince Harry, and DHS official Chris Krebs. Under Merkley, the Commission drafted a report containing a series of hair-raising proposals, including creating “holding areas” into which “influencers with repeat bad behavior” would be placed for “manual moderation and scrutiny,” and the use of “demonetization” to “remove access to product features for violative behavior.”

Hmm… Maybe COO at NPR stands for Censorship Optimization Officer.

The News: The US is getting its own Iron Dome!

One of Trump’s executive orders that got virtually no attention in the media except for a short piece in the WSJ was a project titled “The Iron Dome for America.” The order asks for a plan to develop an advanced technological defense system based on the very successful system created by Israel. It instructs new Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth to submit to the White House within 60 days “a reference architecture, capabilities-based requirements, and an implementation plan for the next-generation missile defense shield.”

The View: The threat of nuclear war via ICBMs is being eclipsed by super-high-tech military style drones that can drop a hundred little bombs for every massive ICBM. America’s current defense (and I mean North America, including Mexico and Canada) is dependent entirely on the US nuclear defense system, which was built to defend against atomic bombs. This transition has been evolving for at least a dozen years. Why haven’t the previous three administrations – not to mention Democrat war hawks and Republican neocons in Congress – ever proposed something like this? The answer is fascinating and scary. And more than 75 years old. If you don’t know the answer, you’ll want to take the Quick Video Course I’m working on, tentatively titled “The Cold War Isn’t Over. In Fact, It’s Been Heating Up for Years.”

The News: Another EV startup fails 

Canoo, an EV startup launched in 2020, boasting it had secured deals with the US Army, NASA, Walmart, and USPS, declared bankruptcy in late January and immediately shut down operations. According to The Hustle, the company squandered $600 million in funding and folded owing $164 million to creditors, far more than its remaining assets are worth. Canoo follows other EV manufacturers recently gone bankrupt, such as Fisker and Lordstown Motors.

The View: Tech analysts I know tell me that Tesla has been, since inception, so far ahead of its competitors technologically that it’s nearly impossible for them to catch up.

Important News You Probably Missed (Because the Mainstream Media Hardly Mentioned It)

The Reportage on the New Orleans Massacre:
Advocacy Journalism, Prejudice, and Cowardice 

I was hugely disappointed to see how the Legacy media covered Wednesday’s Islamic terrorist attack in New Orleans. They continued their 8-year policy of tailoring their coverage according to their disdain for Trump and his supporters – even after the election gave them a clear warning to change their sordid ways.

The Washington Post, the NYT, CNN, and MSNBC were in lockstep in what they reported and what they didn’t during the first 4 to 6 hours after the massacre. I was watching as much as I could of it, because I was hoping they would do a better job, but I spent most of my time looking at the digital feeds coming in from the NYT and Washington Post.

What I saw were two short interviews with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who said nothing of substance and refused to answer questions about whether the incident was a terrorist attack, and several press releases coming from the White House, ostensibly from President Biden, that were themselves vagaries and platitudes.

Biden administration representatives went out of their way to assure viewers that there was “no reason to believe” the massacre – by a Muslim driver driving a car with an ISIS flag inside of it – was in any way an Islamist attack. And the Legacy media reported it without question.

I did see one report on President Elect Donald Trump’s response to the attack. Instead of presenting Trump’s comments as they were, the reporter accused him of making false and misleading statements and chastised him for suggesting that the attack was initiated, planned, and executed by Muslim terrorists in the States.

The NYT is famous for being on the wrong side of history, starting with WWII. In the past 10 years or so, the Washington Post has outpaced them with assertions of “false claims” and “conspiracy theories” that were later disproven.

Do their editors still believe, after seeing their circulations drop since 2016 – not to mention the surveys indicating that the public’s trust in them is in the toilet – that it’s smart journalism to continue with their failed political propaganda? Does Jeff Bezos still think it’s good for business?


Chicago’s Legendary Government Corruption Continues 

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s handpicked school board voted 6-0 to fire a local politician who opposed a super-costly deal with the local schoolteacher’s union that will make the already well-paid teachers wealthier while potentially bankrupting the city. Click here.


Republicans Move to Cut Taxes for Expats 

As someone who does business abroad, this is an issue I’ve always been interested in. Did you know that the US is one of only a handful of countries that taxes its citizens on their worldwide income? That may sound reasonable if you don’t consider the negative impact this has on US citizens getting jobs outside of the country. Following up on Trump’s various campaign promises to reduced income and other taxes for all, Rep. Darin LaHood has proposed a revision to the IRS code that would let expatriate workers pay income taxes only where they live. Click here.


Rachel Levine Did What? No! This Can’t Be True! 

When the Biden administration installed Admiral Rachel Levine as Secretary of Health and Human Resources, their PR team proudly announced that “she” was the first transwoman to serve as the head of that huge organization. I wonder if they were surprised to learn that one of Admiral Levine’s accomplishments would be to quietly remove age restrictions on their guidelines for “gender affirming care.” Click here.


Another Biden Administration Farewell F-Y to the Country 

I don’t think Biden did this. After the public humiliation of ousting him for Harris, I think he felt he got his payback with Trump’s win. This, along with a half-dozen other wasteful and damaging presidential orders recently given (including giving Pfizer and Moderna another four years of vaccine liability protection) must have come from the mysterious Hillary-Barrack-Nancy) cabal that’s been running the government for the last four years. Click here and here.


Musk & Ramaswamy Want More Visas for Foreign Workers?

With the H-1B Visa program, Big Tech is allowed to bring in 60,000 skilled foreign workers each year to work at lower wages than those who are full citizens. Click here.


Kids’ Cereal Will Be Less Colorful and Less Dangerous in 2025 

You may have seen it. RFK Jr. made a video several months ago explaining the dangers of Red No. 40, the food dye that has been a staple in the American diet for decades. Despite the significant and proven health risks associated with the chemical, the Big Food lobby has managed to protect the multi-billion-dollar industry from regulation. RFK Jr. had promised to make this a priority in January. But like so many other campaign pledges made in the months before the election, this one is being kept before Trump takes office. Click here.


Beleaguered NY Mayor Eric Adams Opens Up About Sex Trafficking 

“We have 500,000 children who had sponsors in this country that we can’t find. We can’t find them. We don’t know if they’re doing child labor. We don’t know if they’re doing sex crimes. We don’t know if they’re being exploited.” “500,000 children,” he reiterated. “We don’t know where they are right now in this country.” Click here.


The Economic Miracle in Argentina Continues 

Argentina has emerged from what many felt was going to be a deep and endless recession, thanks to the extraordinary leadership of President Javier Milei. A self-described anarcho-capitalist and political outsider, Milei was swept into office on the promise that he would end political corruption, reduce government spending, and balance the budget. And in 12 short months, it appears he’s done that. Click here.


Like Here in the US, Germany’s Open-Border Policy Is Failing 

Like most developed countries, Germany’s native population is shrinking and therefore needs immigrants to support the future of its economy. And that was one of the reasons it began to loosen its immigration restrictions in 2010 and then open them wide five years later under Chancellor Angela Merkel. Not surprisingly, since 2015, the percentage of non-citizens living in Germany has doubled, from about 6 million in 2010 to about 12 million today (about 15% of the total population). However, because Germany has a generous social welfare system, a significant percentage of these immigrants have been receiving public assistance but without assimilating into the culture. And as happened in Sweden and Italy, and so many other European countries, the public attitude towards immigration is souring fast. Click here.


5 Silly, Irrelevant, but Curious Stories You Missed in 2024 

Thirteen wild sharks off the coast of Rio de Janeiro tested positive for cocaine.

A pigeon spent eight months detained by Indian officials before it was cleared of being a Chinese spy.

Kenza Layli, a completely AI-generated Moroccan influencer, bested nine other bots in a contest held by Fanvue, a platform for human and AI creators.

A good year for baseball playersJuan Soto managed to beat out Shohei Ohtani’s 10-year, $700 million contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Soto landed a 15-year, $765 million contract with the New York Mets, setting a new record in sports history.

And for Ohtani’s 50th home run baseball, which sold at auction for a record-breaking $4.39 million.

Country Music Is Booming 

It’s big and getting bigger – and in a very democratic way: through sampling on social media. I’ve been predicting to people in my industry that the internet and social media have set in motion a change in consumer buying that will be fundamental. Once ridiculed as the least efficient way to sell products and services, “sampling,” I believe, is the future.

Read this essay by Neil Shah in the WSJ and then check out some of the samples he provides.

Students Hurt by the COVID Shutdowns Are Not Catching Up 

The data keeps coming in. And it’s all bad. One example: Four years after the shutdown, Colorado students showed a 1.3-point improvement in math and 0.4 points in English. Which is something – but way below pre-pandemic levels.

Why Is the FBI Bungling Its Child Sexual Abuse Cases? 

This is troubling. The Justice Department is looking into allegations that the FBI was egregiously and inexplicably mishandling child sexual abuse cases by failing to comply with mandatory reporting requirements in roughly half the cases examined. Click here.

And they’re still doing it. Click here.

Trump and Harris: Who Gets the Most Credit for This Bad Idea? 

In June (I think it was), Trump announced that he was going to make workers’ tips nontaxable. Then last week, Harris made the same promise. I’m still shaking my head over that decision: to make the first promise of her platform something that her opponent had promised two months earlier. But what’s really concerning is that the idea, however tasty it may sound as a political popsicle, sours very quickly if you give it any thought.

Thankfully, the WSJ did give it some thought when Trump first mentioned it, and concluded that it could:

* Create a two-tiered labor market where tipped workers would gain a significant advantage over other low-wage employees.

* Push tipping culture into new spaces, even as consumers already complain about how often they are asked to tip.

* Blow a hole in the federal budget.

Click here for details.

Another Shout-Out to Japan 

The US was #1 in the 2024 Paris Olympics, with a total medal count of 126, including 40 golds. China was next with 91 medals, including an impressive 40 golds. And little old Japan – with one-third the population of the US and a hundredth of China – came in third place with 45 overall and 20 golds!

Antisemitism in US and European Colleges and Universities Hasn’t Gone Away. It’s Just Summer. 

Since the school year ended, the large anti-Israeli protests have been few and far between. All students, even politically Woke, pro-Hamas supporters, have summers to enjoy. But there are still some that are hard at work. And their vitriolic antisemitism is as strong as ever.

On July 31, police announced that a suspect had been arrested in connection to the June 11 vandalism of Brooklyn Museum director Anne Pasternak’s residence and charged with criminal mischief as a hate crime. Pasternak’s residence was splashed with red paint in an apparent protest over the museum’s ties to Zionist organizations. Several Brooklyn Museum trustees were also targeted. Five additional suspects are still being sought by police.

Another Step Toward WWIII? 

According to Politico, the Biden administration has quietly given Ukraine permission to strike inside Russia using US-provided weapons for “counter-fire purposes in Kharkiv so Ukraine can hit back at Russian forces hitting them or preparing to hit them.”

Biden’s Recent Title IX Revisions Blocked 

US District Judge Terry Doughty has blocked Biden’s new Title IX guidelines that allow transgender students in the bathroom corresponding with their identity rather than biology. Doughty called the rules an “abuse of power” in an injunction that applies to four states: Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, and Ohio.

“This is a victory for women and girls,” said Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill, who initiated the lawsuit in April. “When Joe Biden forced his illegal and radical gender ideology on America, Louisiana said NO.”

Fake News and Facts About Replacing Fossil Fuels with Renewable Energy 

In the last 20 years, there has been a much-heralded effort to reduce greenhouse emissions (and, thus, inhibit climate change) by replacing the use of fossil fuels with “renewable” energy sources (e.g., wind and solar power).

There has been some debate about the core thesis, and there have been plenty of serious arguments that the current ideas in favor, including some that have been inscribed into law, will not achieve the intended objectives.

It won’t surprise you to know that I’m drawn to those sorts of skeptical perspectives. But had you asked me to give you an estimate of the success so far in reducing the level of greenhouse gasses that are released every year, I probably would have guessed that – given the hundreds of laws passed and the trillions of dollars spent over the past 20 years – it was probably in the 20% to 30% range.

And boy, would I have been wrong! Take a look at this short post by James Melville.


Calling for Trump’s Assassination Before the Attempted Assassination 

Lat night, I came across this piece, which aired on Sky News about three weeks ago: a number of public figures and pundits calling for – literally, calling for – someone to assassinate Trump.

What’s interesting is that the commentators consider the idea of an attempted assassination so implausible that they treat these calls for him to be killed as ludicrous.

Just a Few Questions About the Attempted Assassination. That’s All. 

I know what you are going to say… and you are right.

As to this attempted assassination of Trump, I’m a conspiracy theorist. I mean. Really. It’s all so bizarre!

* That the shooter was a 20-year-old, non-political, registered Republican.

* That the rooftop he mounted was not guarded. It wasn’t a mile away. It was 140 yards from the podium, which, a number of gun experts said, was an easy shot “even for an amateur.”

* That the shooter was seen and reported to officials as he climbed up on the roof… minutes before he started shooting. And nothing was done.

* That six or more shots were fired before Trump was hit and yet none of Secret Service officers around him made a move to protect him.

* That when they led him off the stage, they did not cover him like they should have but allowed him to be exposed for additional shots.

* That several people in the crowd were shot. This kid may have been a poor shot, but one of his bullets hit the mark – so why weren’t the others that were hit nearby him? Why were they so far away?

* But the oddest part of it for me was this: They say that the kid was “taken out” by some Secret Service marksman. When and how and from where? There’s something fishy there.

Is AI and Robotics Really a Big Thing? Or Is It Just Another Technological Innovation That Will Have Little Impact on Our World? 

We’ve long accepted the idea that the rapid development of AI and robotics will soon be putting millions of truck drivers, warehouse workers, train conductors, customer service agents, and delivery people out of work. What isn’t as frequently talked about is how it will destroy many more millions of white-collar and professional jobs, such as accountants, actuaries, insurance adjusters, telephone salespeople, librarians, bill collectors, dog walkers, marketers, advertising copywriters, quality control officers, personal recruitment officers, human resource directors, financial analysts, software developers, diagnosticians and repair people. Also legal aids and most lawyers, nurses and most doctors, teaching assistants and most teachers…

Can I stop there?

Well, no, I can’t. Because that list doesn’t include another class of workers that I believe will almost certainly be replaced in the next five to 10 years – a replacement that you might think unlikely because these people do the sort of jobs for which the core requirement is being human.

Yes, flesh and blood nurses will be replaced by more efficient and more attentive non-human nurses that will provide 200% better care with 99% fewer errors. But AI and robotics will also eventually replace caregivers, social workers, marriage counselors, conflict dispute experts, spiritual advisers, life coaches, motivational speakers and coaches, and even psychologists and psychiatrists.

Some of these transformations are already underway. But I believe the advantages of AI and robotic labor over human labor are so great that the technological innovations to move it forward will be faster than most people can even imagine. It will be Moore’s Law on crack.

If you think I’m crazy, you may be interested to know this: Several tech companies have already developed and are testing AI/robotics actor/models – beauty-pageant-level avatars that compete for cash prizes and then get contracts with businesses as “ambassadors” of their brands.

I know. This is straight out of the 1985 movie Weird Science, where two teen nerds create a virtual woman on a computer and a freak electrical accident brings her to life. The possibility of that actually happening may have seemed like a ludicrous invention of fiction when the movie came out… but here we are nearly 40 years later.

And don’t kid yourself about avatars being rejected by consumers because they aren’t really real. I’ve seen at least a dozen studies conducted in the last 12 to 24 months that show that even when consumers can ascertain the difference between an avatar and a human actor/model, they don’t care!

I sometimes fear that K saves her most important worries, dreams, and confessions – the ones I’ve always felt privileged to be included in – with Siri and Alexa!

Okay, I’m kidding about that. But I’m not kidding when I say that I believe that by 2030 the world we live in today will have been transformed so radically that young people will look back at 2024 as we look back at the pre-industrialized world of the 17th and 18th centuries.

It’s Not Us… It’s Russia! 

First, they sabotaged Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign…

Then, after we threatened to do it, they sabotaged their primary source of revenue by blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline…

Then, after we added trillions to US debt by all the COVID relief spending and inflation kicked in… well, it turns out it wasn’t the Fed. They caused it!

And then, thanks to 51 top intelligence officials, we found out that Hunter Biden’s laptop was not real but “textbook” propaganda from them!

It’s amazing how vigilant and successful those Russian propagandists are. It’s even more amazing how they’ve seemed to be behind every setback, embarrassment, and failure of the Democrats since 2016!

And they are still at it.

You know those videos circulating on social media showing President Biden falling up and down stairs, off bicycles, off podiums, losing complete track of what he was saying in the middle of speeches, and now suddenly freezing in his tracks with his arms extended, looking like an automaton?

Well, according to MSNBC, those are not real. They are deep fakes courtesy of the Russians!

Read more about it here.