What I’ve done with the videos that I’m recommending this time is a bit of what I think is an improvement. Instead of covering 25 to 30 different subjects, I’m covering just 10. But I’m providing two or three links for each of them, with the expectation that you will find some of them worth more than just a minute or two of your time.

1. Super Cute and Immensely Skilled 

2 videos
Total Watch Time: 9 min.

Her name is Yoeun Seoul. She was born in South Korea in 2012. She began training in classical violin when she was just shy of three years old. According to her parents, she “loves reading and enjoys figure skating and is attending Cheon Cheon Elementary School.” Recently, she started a YouTube channel to record some of her practices and performances. (She has 800,000 subscribers.)

Here she is at eight years old doing some impressive work. Watch Time: 4 min.

And here she is a year or two older showing immensely improved skills – virtuosity, IMHO. Watch Time: 5 min.

2. Bill Hader Off the Cuff

2 videos
Total Watch Time: 8.5 min.

Bill Hader in a brilliant comedian, a successful producer, and a likeable actor. Here he tells Conan O’Brien a little story about his daughter that turns into a laugh fest. Watch Time: 3 min.

And here he is being interviewed by “Jiminy Glick.” Note how Bill handles it. Like a pro. Watch Time: 5.5 min.

3. From Sheep and Potato Farmer to National Hero

3 videos
Total Watch Time: 8.5 min.

You gotta love this story. Cliff Young was a 61-year-old Australian farmer who figured he was good enough to compete against the best long-distance runners in the world because he had spent a good part of his adult life chasing sheep and cattle around his potato farm. He somehow managed to get registered in what was considered the most challenging ultra-marathon – a brutal 541-mile race from Sidney to Melbourne – even though he had never run in a race in his life. His performance shocked the racing world and stole the hearts of his fellow Australians. Watch Time: 1.25 min.

Here’s a slightly longer take on it that will give you an idea of the competition he faced. Watch Time: 3 min.

And if you’d like to know more about Cliff Young, watch this. Watch Time: 4.25 min.

4. The Biggest Lies from the Big Food Cartel 

2 videos
Total Watch Time: 4.25 min.

As a publisher of health and fitness information for more than 30 years, I’ve worked with dozens of very credible doctors, nutritionists, and health scientists. Dr. Al Sears, one of the first of those experts I had the pleasure of working with, is one of the best. Here he debunks a very common myth about nutrition: that chicken is better than red meat. Watch Time: 2.25 min.

And here he talks about the four biggest vegetarian lies. Watch Time: 2 min.

5. Daddy Yankee’s Gasolina Resurfaces in Africa 

3 videos
Total Watch Time: 6.5 min.

Ramón Luis Ayala Rodríguez, known professionally as Daddy Yankee, is a Puerto Rican rapper, singer, songwriter, and actor. Dubbed the “King of Reggaeton,” he is often cited as an influence by other Hispanic performers. Twenty years ago, Daddy Yankee produced a record called Gasolina. It became an international hit, although I never heard of it. And neither did you. Admit it. In recent years, it’s become a favorite among African amateur video makers.

Here’s a group of “ghetto kids” from Namibia doing it. Watch Time: 1 min.

Here it is with my favorite African group. Watch Time: 2.5 min.

And here it goes slightly bad with a Zumba group. Watch Time: 3 min.

6. Kiwi Humor at Its Most Authentic 

2 videos
Total Watch Time: 4 min.

Nick Caper is a New Zealand comedian best known for his role in Bruce, a black comedy series. Here he talks about how he wins fights by using his brains. Watch Time: 2 min.

And here he is talking about horror movies. Watch Time: 2 min.

7. Loren DiGiorgi: Nerdy Look, Great Piano Teacher

2 videos
Total Watch Time: 5 min.

He’s obviously a good piano player and a master of musicology. I’d have liked to have him as my high school music teacher. Here he gives us a piano lesson. Watch Time: 3 min.

And here he shows us how Mozart’s Turkish Rondo would sound as ragtime, jazz, and blues. Watch Time: 2 min.

8. Never Seen This Before: Serenading Animals

3 videos
Total Watch Time: 9 min.

I like this guy’s shtick. He seems to be French, but you wouldn’t know it when he sings in French. Somehow, he got the idea of getting famous on social media by playing his guitar and singing to animals – all sorts of animals – to see how they would react. As it happened, they responded very positively. It does make one wonder what we’ve failed to figure out in terms of our commonality with animals.

Here he is performing a song in French that demonstrates the quality of his voice. Watch Time: 4.5 min.

But that’s not why I like him. I like him because of the bits he does with the animals. Like this one. Watch Time: 1.5 min.

And this one. Watch Time: 3 min.

9. Matt Rife’s Impromptu Comedy

3 videos 
Total Watch Time: 4.75 min.

I feel like I discovered Matt Rife because I came across him by chance when I was doing my YouTube addiction scan. But I didn’t. According to Wikipedia, he’s an American comedian and actor. He is best known for his self-produced comedy specials, as well as his recurring role on the sketch improv comedy and rap show Wild ‘n Out. He’s one of those great white comedians who does well with “sensitive” issues.

Here’s a taste. Watch Time: 1.25 min.

Here he deals with autistic children. Watch Time: 2 min.

Here’s another good one. Watch Time: 1.5 min.

10. Intriguing: The Mystery of “The Hat Man” 

2 videos
Total Watch Time: 10 min.

Countless people claim to have seen The Hat Man – a shadowy figure in a wide-brimmed hat – while experiencing sleep paralysis, bringing on an overwhelming sense of dread. Why have so many people, throughout time and across different cultures, reported the same eerie encounter? Is it a neurological glitch or something more?

Here’s one explanation. Watch Time: 2 min.

Here’s another one. Watch Time: 8 min.

Funny,Interesting,Surprising,Thrilling, Enlightening… 
25 Quick Videos Worth the Watching 

Average Watch Time: 1.5 min. 
Total Watch Time: 37 min. 

1. Good business advice from Jeff Bezos (based on a fundamental Warren Buffett insight).
Watch Time: about 1 min. 

2. Entitlement and dependency. The left is in an uproar about President Trump’s efforts to dismantle the mostly evil USAID. Here is a former Kenyan president telling his fellow Kenyans what he thinks about it.
Watch Time: about 1 min.

3. Is DOGE legal?
Watch Time: 2 min.

4. A mother’s revenge. This looks like justice to me. What do you think?
Watch Time: about 1 min.

5. Curious. Did you know that there is a class system in trailer parks?
Watch Time: about 1 min.

6. Disturbing. The MGRM experiment.
Watch Time: 2 min.

7. Pulse-pounding. According to someone, “Mongol metal is the new metal genre rocking the whole world.” And then there’s this.
Watch Time: 4 min.

8. Interesting. Who discovered the lost Amazon cities and destroyed them?
Watch Time: less than 1 min.

9. Cute animal videos are just… well, cute. Here’s one that I especially enjoyed last week.
Watch Time: 23 sec.

10. I feel the same way about cute kid videos. Like this one.
Watch Time: 26 sec.

11. This is opera. A trailer for a recent production at La Scala that shows why this venerable opera house still matters.
Watch Time: 1 min.

12. Don’t say this to a truly big man.
Watch Time: about 1 min.

13. Remarkable. How rats survived the Ice Age and conquered the world.
Watch Time: 2.5 min.

14. A great idea. “Smart glasses” to aid the deaf. (But I don’t think this is ready for prime time. Maybe in another few years.)
Watch Time: 3 min.

15. Funny. Bill Burr on happiness and the simple male brain.
Watch Time: about 2.5 min.

16. Funny and true. Random comedian goes off on the Obamas.
Watch Time: less than 1 min.

17. Funny and cool. When Sam Jackson met Marlon Brando.
Watch Time: less than 1 min.

18. Africana kids dancing. I can’t get enough of this stuff.
Watch Time: about 1 min.

19. Relive Myanmar star Thway Lin Htet’s all-out brawl with Thai standout Ganchai.
Watch Time: 3 min.

20. Unwelcome facts. Man silences Woke crowd with immigration data.
Watch Time: less than 1 min.

21. When asked a tough question… Trump shuts down CNN hosts.
Watch Time: about 2 min.

22. Fun. Cop trolls man who identifies as a cat.
Watch Time: about 1 min.

23. Iconic. Michael Jackson’s standstill at the 1993 Super Bowl halftime show.
Watch Time: 2 min.

24. Want REAL Romance? Ian McKellen shares his story.
Watch Time: 1.5 min.

25. Tell me if you don’t think this Radiohead cover is beautiful. 
Watch Time: about 1 min.

Funny, Interesting, Surprising, Shocking, Thrilling… 
24 Quick Videos Worth the Watching 

Average Watch Time: 54.6 seconds 
Total Watch Time: 20 minutes

1. Spooky: Carl Sagan’s “Foreboding of an America.”

2. Reality Check: Former Kenyan president responds to Trump’s dismantling of USAID. 

3. Emotional: James Blunt doesn’t need sentimental music to make this song a heart-breaker. (Try not to tear up.)

4. Impressive: A fantastic beatbox performance by an unknown talent.

5. Inspiring: Dr. Gabor Maté on lifetime regrets.

6. Exciting: Killer dance moves.

7. Intriguing: Three ways to grow new brain cells.

8. Insightful: American vs. British comedy – “The “Underdog Debate” by Ricky Gervais.

9. Silly: Speed dating for an Arab prince.

10. Interesting: Three traits women find irresistible in men.

11. Fun. Celebs reacting to impressions of themselves. (This guy is good!)

12. Brilliant: Eternal inflation and the multiverse with Brian Cox.

13. Interesting: What is junk DNA? (Dr. James Tour on redefining human origins)

14. Funny: When black guys and white guys laugh…

15. Eye-opening: Joe Rogan on Bill and Hillary Clinton.

16. Puzzling: Attractive women explaining science. (Is this a thing?)

17. Funny: A Finnish comic takes on the English language.

18. Thrilling: Great fight, great commentary. I came across this the other night. I was surprised I’d never seen it before.

19. Fascinating: Einstein’s prediction proven after his death.

20. Moving: A story about an amazing man that was discredited by the liberal media.

21. Exciting: The first ever CRISPR gene-editing medicine!

22. Amazing: The secret mistake embedded in the speed of light.

23. Noteworthy: “Grow Up” – Megyn Kelly calls out CNN pundit.

24. WOW!: The greatest Led Zeppelin cover? You tell me!

Funny, Fascinating, Surprising, Shocking… 
24 Quick Videos Worth the Watching 

Average Watch Time: 30 seconds 
Total Watch Time: 12 minutes

1. Fascinating: Carl Sagan predicted the world as we know it today. Click here.

2. So Great: Burt Reynolds on the genius of Johnny Carson. Click here.

3. Surprising: I was taught that native Americans were communal and peaceful. Maybe in some cases. Here’s how the Comanche tribe waged war against their enemies. Click here.

4. Interesting: Could Gavin have done more? Click here.

5. Funny: Shane Gillis might be a terrorist. Click here.

6. Interesting: I’ve been following this woman, thinking how great it would have been to have her as my high school science teacher. Click here.

7. Exciting: Rodtang meets Takeru. One of the best Mui Thai fights I’ve ever seen – and on so many levels. Click here.

8. Impressive: This is what happens if you try a catchya on Charlie Kirk. Click here.

9. Funny: Very cool for this wee story to end up on late night television. Click here.

10. Disturbing and Satisfying: Man assaults female police officer. Click here.

11. Instructive: Why you should know your bullets. Click here.

12. Fun and Interesting: Arab gulf countries explained in two minutes. Click here.

13. Fun and Interesting: Central America explained in two minutes. Click here.

14. Pathetic: CBS host tries a catchya on JD Vance. Click here.

15. Interesting: Gorilla play is virtually identical to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and, like BJJ, biting is not allowed. Click here.

16. Edifying: Nixon was much smarter than most people of my generation understand. Click here.

17. Insightful: Dave Chappelle on the inside story of the Chris Rock slap. Click here.

18. Funny: “Master” Ken teaches the advanced fish hook technique. Click here.

19. Interesting: “Trump is the best salesman I’ve ever work with.” (Barbara Corcoran) Click here.

20. Fun: This guy is all over the web. He’s actually a world-class weightlifter. Click here.

21. Surprising and Instructive: I used to think that Ronald Reagan’s success was based on his good looks and charm. But I’ve been watching old videos of him and now think he was smarter and wiser than any other president that followed him. Click here.

22. Funny: Praise the lord! Politically incorrect humor is back. Click here.

23. Can’t Wait: Trump is liberating the Kennedy files. Click here.

24. Instructive: Can Cops COVER Your Security Cameras!? Click here.