With the “Works in Progress” issues, my goal is to include three chapters a month. But one of the chapters that I had planned for this month – another one from The 7 Natural Laws of Wealth Building – needed a lot of rethinking and I couldn’t get it done in time. So in this issue, you’ll find these two:

* Chapter 3 of The Challenge of Charity – discovering how a wealth gap is also a learning and responsibility gap. In this chapter, I talk about all the “noble” but naïve ideas I had about how to interact with the very poor (and sometimes sick) Nicaraguans who came to me for help when I first began building out Rancho Santana.


* Another excerpt from The Art of Collecting Art – the “accidental” collection that really got me started. You don’t have to begin with a million dollars in the bank to build a million-dollar art portfolio. In this chapter, I explain how I did it from scratch.

Note: These are not final drafts. So if you see anything that I got wrong, or if you want to suggest something I didn’t think of, please leave a message for me here.