What’s Going to Happen? A New Prediction… 

Since I wrote about the election last week, I have changed my mind about the COPs’ strategy – which, if I’m right, is even more clever than I’d been giving them credit for. So I’ve changed my prediction about how the election will play out.

Let’s begin with this: As I expected, Biden “decided” that he would not be running against Trump in November. I thought it would happen in the last two months of 2023 to give the COPs plenty of time to build a credible campaign for Biden’s replacement. And I believed the replacement would be Gavin Newsom with a Black woman (Michelle Obama, if they could get her) as VP.

But that’s not what happened.

Biden didn’t announce his decision at the end of 2023. Instead, we were treated to another several months of watching our president’s accelerating physical and mental decline, while Big Media and everyone around him kept telling us he was just fine and would continue to be fine for another four years.

Then suddenly, after what seemed to be a perfectly normal (for Biden) cringeworthy debate with Trump, the COPs, Hollywood, and a surging number of key Democratic leaders began to publicly question the abilities they had been so strongly defending just days and weeks earlier.

And after doggedly insisting that he would not resign, Biden apparently woke up one day and decided that the best thing for America would be for him to step aside at this eleventh hour and endorse Kamala Harris for president. Which made her – in an entirely un-Democratic move – the de facto Democratic candidate!

By having Biden wait that long to step aside, and then by having dozens of the most influential liberals in the country speak up in favor of Harris, the COPs had ingeniously converted the Democratic Convention into an endorsement party, eliminating the very likely possibility that had Biden’s announcement come months sooner, her chances for victory at the convention would have been virtually nil.

So, this is where my new theory and prediction come in.

The COPs knew that Biden wasn’t going to win if he ran in November. And they probably assumed he would step aside early, as I had predicted. When he didn’t, it was too late for Newsom. Too late even for Michelle Obama.

But there was one possible way to change the game: Schedule a debate with Trump early on, earlier than one has ever taken place, to make it clear to the country what they already knew – that Biden was not fit to serve. Then use that (perhaps with the promise of a little help in making all those Hunter-related problems go away) to get him to agree to step aside and go down in history as a loveable and loyal American.

Now there’s one more thing that needs to happen. And this is my new prediction. Sometime in the next month or so, Biden will have another health crisis and then regretfully resign from his duties as president.

It will be a heart-warming announcement. And the very next day, the presumptive candidate for president will become the actual president.

Nobody will complain. Maybe not even the Trump camp, because they will expect him to eat Harris up in debates and rallies and so on. But he won’t get the chance. Because the COPs will keep her in the basement until the election. She will make a handful of scripted statements, but she will not be allowed to face a live audience or go against Trump ad hoc.

And if Harris can resist the urge to initiate any significant political campaigns in the next 90 days… if she can stay calm and speak very little and very carefully… if she can resist the temptation to cackle and boogie too much… what might happen is that millions of Americans that currently don’t like her (or fear her) will begin to think, “Actually, she’s not that bad. And it would be cool to have our first Black/ Asian/ Female president!”