Country Music Is Booming
It’s big and getting bigger – and in a very democratic way: through sampling on social media. I’ve been predicting to people in my industry that the internet and social media have set in motion a change in consumer buying that will be fundamental. Once ridiculed as the least efficient way to sell products and services, “sampling,” I believe, is the future.
Read this essay by Neil Shah in the WSJ and then check out some of the samples he provides.
Students Hurt by the COVID Shutdowns Are Not Catching Up
The data keeps coming in. And it’s all bad. One example: Four years after the shutdown, Colorado students showed a 1.3-point improvement in math and 0.4 points in English. Which is something – but way below pre-pandemic levels.
Why Is the FBI Bungling Its Child Sexual Abuse Cases?
This is troubling. The Justice Department is looking into allegations that the FBI was egregiously and inexplicably mishandling child sexual abuse cases by failing to comply with mandatory reporting requirements in roughly half the cases examined. Click here.
And they’re still doing it. Click here.