Just a Few Questions About the Attempted Assassination. That’s All.
I know what you are going to say… and you are right.
As to this attempted assassination of Trump, I’m a conspiracy theorist. I mean. Really. It’s all so bizarre!
* That the shooter was a 20-year-old, non-political, registered Republican.
* That the rooftop he mounted was not guarded. It wasn’t a mile away. It was 140 yards from the podium, which, a number of gun experts said, was an easy shot “even for an amateur.”
* That the shooter was seen and reported to officials as he climbed up on the roof… minutes before he started shooting. And nothing was done.
* That six or more shots were fired before Trump was hit and yet none of Secret Service officers around him made a move to protect him.
* That when they led him off the stage, they did not cover him like they should have but allowed him to be exposed for additional shots.
* That several people in the crowd were shot. This kid may have been a poor shot, but one of his bullets hit the mark – so why weren’t the others that were hit nearby him? Why were they so far away?
* But the oddest part of it for me was this: They say that the kid was “taken out” by some Secret Service marksman. When and how and from where? There’s something fishy there.