From GM re my posts on election fraud and voter interference: 

“Over the past year or so, when I am engaged in discussions about this very subject and its impact on the 2020 election, I find people very quick to dismiss voter fraud as small in number and insignificant. I no longer play that game since, no matter what you present (as you have), it is always pooh-poohed. So, instead, I point to the largest case of election interference I believe history has ever seen. That being the concealment of Hunter Biden’s laptop by the FBI! Poll after poll has shown that upwards of 17% of voters would have voted differently had they known of the legitimacy of the laptop contents and its damning evidence of wrongdoing by the Biden family. Now we know that the FBI had the laptop info in their sweaty hands for at least two years before the election but STILL warned the social-media companies to ignore it and cancel all posts about it since ‘it had all the signs’ of Russian interference in our sacred election process. Yep, they threw the 2020 election… full stop.”