Re the thoughts I’ve been sharing about my trip to Japan:

“Regarding your speech in Tokyo, thanks for being humble and showing vulnerability. Many years ago, I thought that having anxiety for public speaking only happened to me. I remember when Tony Robbins made a difference between those who are paralyzed by anxiety and those who are not paralyzed. The first  say to themselves ‘I can’t’ and the second say ‘I’m ready.’ Good luck Mark, you are more than ready.” – CS


“I really enjoyed your piece about the many ways Japanese culture is superior to ours. You will alienate quite a few people because you wrote it so convincingly. Jingoism is a trait of many Americans.


“It’s true, Japanese are more consistent in their behavior. And it’s not a wealth or class thing. Those habits are practiced by families of all incomes. In many ways they are more civilized than Americans, but of course I’ll never forget how they treated the Allies in prison camps during WWII.” – AS