It Feels Like the Garden of Eden 

I’m neck deep into finishing three separate presentations I’ll be delivering in Tokyo next week. Two of them account for three hours of speaking to 2,000 paid attendees. The third one is a presentation to 20 people that have paid $5,000 apiece to ask me questions.

I’m feeling a lot of pressure to deliver. What makes this especially challenging is that, in order to prepare the translators, I have to basically write out the presentations almost verbatim and get it to them a week before the event… which is NOW!

Needless to say, this morning, when I was told that a new video I had commissioned for Paradise Palms had been completed, my stress levels were sky-high. It is a short but dramatic tour of the gardens, set to music. I watched it and it calmed my nerves for a while.

Which is to say, I like the way it came out. Click here and let me know what you think.

(Make sure you hit the start arrow to activate the sound.)