Question to My Boston-Based Readers: 
How Do You Feel About Your New Mayor? 

Boston’s 39-year-old Mayor, Michelle Wu, has stated publicly that one of her top priorities when she takes office is to make many crimes off-limits to prosecution. I doubt she will succeed in making everything on her list into crimes that won’t be prosecuted, but the list is pretty ambitious:

* Trespassing

* Shoplifting (including offenses that are essentially shoplifting but charged as larceny)

* Larceny under $250

* Disorderly conduct

* Disturbing the peace

* Receiving stolen property

* Minor driving offenses, including operating with a suspended or revoked license

* Breaking and entering – where it is into a vacant property or where it is for the purpose of sleeping or seeking refuge from the cold and there is no actual damage to property

* Wanton or malicious destruction of property

* Threats – excluding domestic violence

* Minor in possession of alcohol

* Drug possession

* Drug possession with intent to distribute

* A standalone resisting arrest charge – i.e., cases where a person is charged with resisting arrest and that is the only charge

* A resisting arrest charge combined with a charge that falls under the list of charges to decline to prosecute – e.g., resisting arrest charge combined only with a trespassing charge


Another Artwork Vandalized… This Time with a French Accent 

Vandalizing priceless artworks has been a several-years-long form of protest for climate activists. After molesting the masterpiece with paint or tomato soup, they glue themselves to the frame or to the wall beside it. Most of the time, they say nothing, revealing their message through the T-shirts they wear.

For the first several months of these stunts, museums in most European cities, including Paris, made no arrests, afraid that doing so might jeopardize their standing as Woke cultural institutions. But after about two dozen world treasures were damaged in this way, museum officials allowed law and order to resume.

As a museum lover and an art appreciator, I’ve always despised this form of protest. I imagined the protestors to be brain-dead, and most of them probably were. But in this particular case, the young woman takes a different approach, explaining what she is doing (in French).

It might be the cleverness of her particular abuse or it might be her accent, but I’m finding it difficult to think of her as brain-dead. Rather, I think she’s sort of cute.

Click here.


Overt and Outrageous Voter Fraud 

Add this to the examples I included in last week’s issue on voter fraud and election interference: 300,000 more votes than voters in Georgia!

If these numbers are wrong, please send me a link to show me data that proves it. If they are right, how is it possible that this isn’t front-page news?