How to Mentor a Super-Accomplished Genius 

A friend writes to let me know that, as part of a post-graduate program he did at Harvard a few years ago, he’s been asked to mentor a young man that has not only amazing academic and humanitarian credentials but is already a super-successful high-tech businessman and is supposedly super-smart.

“Can you believe I’m going to be his mentor?” my friend says.

I looked at the young man’s resume. It was intimidating, to say the least. I wondered what I would do in my friend’s place.

What I would probably do, I realized, is pretend that I had come down with a very infectious disease and gracefully back out. But I know that my friend is determined to accept the challenge. So I thought some more, and came up with this for him…

Here’s What I Would Recommend

Never give him any direct advice. In fact, try to avoid making statements entirely.

Limit your verbal output to questions. Ask him questions about his thoughts and intentions. If he has a problem, ask him how he thinks he should handle it.

As he answers each of your questions, look at him intently, squinting your eyes and thoughtfully nodding. Every so often, you can make barely decipherable sounds – ranging between soothing and questioning but never clearly one or the other.

If you do this, he will either think he understands you, or he will pretend he understands you, or he will ask you what your non-verbal responses mean.

If that happens, say, “Let me tell you a story.”

Then tell him a completely nonsensical story that ends with a nonsensical denouement. And after you’ve finished telling him that story, begin nodding gently again, but this time with a subtle smile that signifies: “Ah, Grasshopper, I can see that I have raised your level of awareness. I am happy you are learning.”

This is a technique I know you have a natural talent for, because I’ve seen you use it with me when I was spouting BS. Nevertheless, considering this guy’s intelligence, you should improve your technique by practicing it in front of a mirror.

When you feel ready, the perfect time to debut your new mentoring skill would be on your podcast. I recommend videotaping with two cameras so the audience can also enjoy your undeniably wise but enigmatic facial gestures.

If you master this skill, it will not only win over his admiration and affection for you on a level where he will always list you among his greatest advisors, you will be able to advise other geniuses, even heads of industry. And charge a good penny for doing it, too!