From BO: “I Challenge You!” 

“Tying your column about people with habits who rarely change and your most recent regarding weight gain, might I suggest looking into keto/carnivore? It might be the change you need. On paper, it’s simple: Forgo all carbs, sugars, and alcohol; eat meat. Reality is sometimes tougher. Well, it’s about as tough as you make your mind up it’ll be.

“The results of carnivore converts, influencers, and doctors on the web are stunning. But start learning with Mikhaila Peterson and see her story. Truly inspiring. I (M, 58 yrs, 5’10”) lost 25 pounds in two months. And when I lose five more, I’ll be the weight I clocked in when I married 30 years ago. I challenge you to change your eating and drinking habits. You’re strong-willed. I am confident you can do it.”

My Response: Thanks for the suggestion. Thirty years ago, I became familiar with the keto thesis when I was publishing Dr Atkins’ newsletter. He was excoriated for his ideas then (particularly by Oprah who lost weight on it but then gained it back after going off it and then blamed it on him), but I think he was fundamentally right. It’s definitely on my list.


From CA: “How a simple fix could double the size of the US electricity grid” 

“This looks like an important article,” writes CA, “and maybe the kind of subject you sometimes like to include in your blogs. It’s another example of how government and subsidized industries somehow figure out how to approach problems in the least efficient way. But at least this article explains the easy solution.”


From BW, FD, & MM re “Learning How to Forgive Yourself” in the May 28 issue: 

* “Your ideas on forgiving yourself were very good and came at a perfect time in my life. Thank you!” – FD

* “What a great message!” – BW

* “I’m pretty sure you got those ideas from me – from what I’ve been telling you about my experience with meditation.” – MM