Most Americans Don’t Know These Basic Facts About Our Population 

An interesting poll from YouGov provides an idea of how out of touch Americans are with reality.

Question: What percentage of the American population is Black?

* What the Average American Thinks: 41%
* The Reality: 12%

Question: What percentage of the American population is Hispanic?

* What the Average American Thinks: 39%
* The Reality: 17%

Question: How many families make over $500,000 a year?

* What the Average American Thinks: 26%
* The Reality: 1%

Question: What percentage of Americans are vegetarians?

* What the Average American Thinks: 30%
* The Reality: 5%

Question: What percentage of Americans are gay?

* What the Average American Thinks: 30%
* The Reality: 3%

Question: What percentage of Americans are transgender?

* What the Average American Thinks: 21%
* The Reality: 1%

And perhaps my favorite…

Question: What percentage of Americans live in NYC?

* What the Average American Thinks: 30%
* The Reality: 3%


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