More on My “Escape Plan from America” 

We got a slew of responses to the April 19 issue of “Just One Thing,” in which I referred readers to an essay written on a topic I sometimes think about: If American culture continues to disintegrate and the likelihood of nuclear war grows stronger, does it make sense to think about creating an “escape plan from America”?

The comments were roughly 60% negative. And the most negative of those were from longstanding friends of mine. For example:

“After reading your latest missive, I’m thinking way back to June 1981 when McEnroe uttered the words ‘You cannot be serious!’ Do you really think the end of the United States of America is upon us? And if so, why are you not doing something about it rather than contemplating running away? I must believe you are just stirring the pot for a reaction. If so, it worked for me.” – KK

“Just read the article you recommended, and your intro to it, of course. It’s written from the point of view of protecting your own ass, not from the point of view of protecting your country. I know, you can do both. But what bothers me is that time, energy, and money put into an escape plan is time, energy, and money not put into making sure your home country stays on the rails.

“It reminds me of a conversation I had early in the Trump presidency with a teacher who said she and other teachers in her public high school were not showing American flags because it indicated agreement with Trump. To hell with that, I thought. Trump can wrap himself in the flag, but he can’t have mine. I’m staying right where I am and flying my American flag high and arguing with that bastard.

“It’s a well-known cognitive bias to think problems that haven’t been solved in our lifetimes are unsolvable. It’s why major discoveries in science are usually made by young people. As we age, it’s natural to become less optimistic and think the younger generation is going to hell. This might be a worthy topic for our Extinguished Gentlemen’s Club.” – SL

And somewhat less disapproving…

“You wrote: ‘So, when I get engrossed in reading about the many ways America is falling apart – and even nearing catastrophe – I find myself thinking how perfectly wonderful it would be to have the entire Ford and Fitzgerald clans together down there [at Rancho Santana] one day.’ And I say: ‘Hey, what about me?’” – AS

My Answer to All of Them

When it comes to social and political issues, I’ve come to realize that most of them are both complex and nuanced.

This is a lousy thing for anyone interested in getting to the truth. It’s also a lousy thing for voters who want to believe that the people they elect to represent them can work through the complexities and nuances. But at least half of the bills that come up in Congress and the problems that presidents make decisions about are beyond their comprehension.

Many of our legislators are not all that bright. And among those that are, there is not nearly enough time to get properly educated on any one issue. The education they get comes by way of advertising pitches made by special interest groups and the nudges they get from a few of their colleagues that actually do understand a bit about what is on the docket.

So, we can’t trust our elected leaders to make good decisions. And lately we’ve discovered that we can’t trust our fellow voters either. Even at our largest and once most revered academic and non-profit institutions, there are no longer any reasonable discussions. It seems like every one of them has dropped any appearance of acting ethically in favor of following a certain social or political ideology.

I don’t see any hope in saving America through voting and legislation.

But that doesn’t mean America can’t be saved. It might just save itself by once again becoming the world leader in some dominating technology (like robotics or AI).

And there is, of course, the nuclear option: Elect me as Supreme Leader, and I’ll have everything straightened out in 18 to 24 months.

I haven’t gotten that call yet, so I have to ask myself: What can I do, instead, from my little perch in South Florida?”

There are only two things that make sense to me.

I can write my little blog and recruit others to see what I see. But I can’t force them. And I have no interest in doing so.

And I can make plans for the possibility that my worst fears about America will one day come to pass.

If that happens, I want to be one of the survivors. And I want to accommodate any family members or friends (like AS, above) who want to escape and be with me. But I won’t be pleading with anyone to come. And I will let only my best friends and family know what I’m doing. I will do my best to welcome any others that want to be there with me, but they won’t be getting formal invites. They will know their refuge is there only if they read this blog today!

I may miss those that ignored my warning and, for whatever reason – noble or selfish – decided to stay behind. But I won’t worry about them. I’ll be spending all my worrying time thinking about making the best of things and starting anew.

Now, there is a lot more to an escape plan than owning property abroad. Any one of the millions of people that have been fleeing war and famine-ravished countries every single year since the year I was born can tell you that.

There is the big issue of how to pay for the costs of living in the safe place. (It may be safe, but it won’t be free.) And there’s the equally big challenge of how to integrate oneself and one’s charges into the new society.

But having a place to live – somewhere away from the chaos – is a good start.

For years, I’ve been thinking, more seriously as each year passes, about building a shelter somewhere in the peripheral hills of Rancho Santana. It would be a simple structure, but large enough to house not just my immediate family, but the extended family and any friends that wanted to join us.

I’ve come to imagine it as a three-story building with a central courtyard populated by fruit trees, an attached schoolhouse and playground, and about four acres of walled-in open space for a vegetable garden, a chicken coop, and a pasture for cattle and pigs.

The building itself would resemble a monastery. On the first floor, it would have a formal library that could accommodate 15 to 20 people at a time. The walls would be lined with shelves that would hold several thousand books, all hard bound, with a smaller collection of about 500 vinyl records, ranging from classical to reggae to jazz and old-school rock ‘n roll. (No new age or rap music.)

The second and third floors would be made up of 60 cubicles, each one with a small window looking on to the sea or the mountains and a door leading to an interior balcony. The cubicles would be quite small, for obvious reasons, but big enough for a twin or double bed and a small desk and chair.

No one would have to pay rent. But everyone would have to contribute something of value. Cooking. Cleaning. Gardening. Entertainment. For those with no useful skills, cash would have to do.

Yes, it’s a bit commune-like. But it would be privately owned. By me. Which would make me the supreme rule maker and decider of who could stay. If you wanted to stay, you would have to behave in a way that I approved of. If you didn’t, you would have to leave. You would then be free to escape to some other place… and I would even give you a pamphlet suggesting how you should do it.

A Primer on US Inflation Rates

In his column on Monday, Sean talked about an important subject that I don’t know enough about: how the government handles inflation.

Let me start with this…

What I Do Know 

I know that inflation, in simplest terms, is the phenomenon of currencies losing value over time. Thus, if one is speaking about the inflation rate of the US (or any other) economy, one usually speaks about the average increase of the costs of everything purchased in that economy over a given period of time.

This is the chart that Sean presented on Monday:

It shows that the overall average inflation rate in the US from March 2023 to March 2024 was 3.5%. And as you can see, it is a number that is comprised of any number of inflation rates of different things bought and sold in the US economy. It includes motor vehicle insurance (which went up 22% in that 12-month period), housing (which increased by 4.7%), the cost of eating out (4%), energy (2.1%), and items like televisions, airline fares, and smartphones, all of whose prices decreased (deflated) during that same period.

In his commentary about the chart, Sean pointed out that a number of the items that had the highest inflation rates were related to the fact that in 2020/2021 there was a surge in Americans buying used (rather than new) cars, and this pushed the overall rate higher than it would have been otherwise. And since that trend was tied to specific events and not likely to last, he noted that there should be a correction in the cost of used-car-related expenses, and that the “deflation” in that market will likely result in lower overall inflation rates in 2024.

The Role of the Federal Reserve in All This 

The Federal Reserve – the central bank of the United States – is a group made up of seven men appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. Their primary job is to do their best to stabilize the US financial markets and keep them healthy – partly through regulations, but mostly by controlling the amount of money flowing through the economy. The main way they do that is by setting the rate at which banks and other financial institutions can borrow money from each other’s excess reserves overnight.

When the Fed’s rate is low, it is cheaper and more enticing for businesses and banks to borrow money. This supply of “cheap” money tends to stimulate the economy because lower interest rates make it more attractive for entrepreneurs to start new companies, for existing companies to increase the products and services they sell, and for the potential consumers of those products and services to buy more.

Stimulating the Economy by Lowering Interest Rates Is a Generally Good Idea, but… 

There is a negative side effect of cheap money rates. And that is because of the relationship between the Federal Reserve (the Fed) and the US Treasury Department.

The Fed is just a group of presumably smart people sitting around a table, discussing dozens of factors and forces at play in the financial and business markets, and coming to agreement now and then about how much the government should charge for lending out its “money.”

The Fed has no money of its own. It is the US Treasury that has the money. But the Treasury doesn’t have all the money it needs to write checks for the tens of billions of dollars that the US government spends every year. It must cover the shortfalls by selling Treasury bonds and bills – i.e., government-backed promises to return the money it borrows with interest – to whoever is willing to buy them.

In the past, the primary customers of these promises (the primary buyers of US debt) were big, rich, profitable countries like Germany and Japan. Originally, the idea of this whole scheme was for it to be a temporary solution to a passing and pressing need – like the money needed to fight the Civil War. The idea was that this debt was going to be temporary. It would be repaid to the T-bond and T-bill holders with tax revenues. And to prevent the value of those dollars from being deflated over time, their value was officially tied to gold – gold that the government held in vaults around the country (like Fort Knox).

But that didn’t happen. The government found out that voters weren’t willing to have their taxes (and especially their income taxes) raised every time the government decided to go to war or fly a rocket to the moon or give aid to Haiti. The pols realized that if they wanted to get reelected to their cushy jobs, they had to promise to keep taxes down for the people and companies in their district.

So, that’s one big thing that happened. Despite the best hopes of those that created our taxing systems in order to fund their dreams of improving their world, there was from the get-go a growing gap between how much our legislators wanted to spend on their projects and how much gold-backed money the US Treasury had access to.

The battle between the conservative idea of spending no more than you have versus the liberal idea of borrowing money to pay for what you spend was lost – with the majority of politicians on both sides of the aisle realizing that if the Treasury Department could keep selling T-bonds and T-bills – i.e., if it could find governments and hedge funds to keep buying US debt – they could have their cake and eat it too.

There was, however, a limit to how many dollars they could lend out. And the limit was that each dollar was legally “tied to” the value of gold. By connecting dollars to the gold that the government had in its coffers, there was a limit to how large US debt could become.

This all changed in 1971, when President Nixon (supposedly a conservative) ended the convertibility of dollars to gold.Now, there was no natural limit to how many dollars the US could borrow. US debt was effectively unleashed from the anchor it had been tied to – the value of gold that the Treasury held – and that was the starting gun for a stampede of federal spending that brought US debt from $398 billion, when Nixon issued the directive, to nearly $35 trillion today!

Hold that thought while I get back to the Fed and inflation…

What happens in DC each year is that our legislators vote for a wide range of proposals, propositions, and projects to fund wars, build highways, help out single-parent families and homeless folks, fight drug addiction, bail out billion-dollar banks, and help victims of disasters in the US and all over the rest of world. And that makes them, and their constituents, feel like they are doing the right thing.

Of course, these projects, however needed or well-meaning, cost money. A gargantuan amount of money. Much more than our government has in its coffers. To pay for these programs we can’t afford, we call upon the services of the US Treasuryto bring in enough money to cover the shortfalls.

And this gets us back to inflation.

The Federal Reserve indirectly influences how much interest the Treasury can promise to pay on the T-bonds and T-bills it sells. If it raises those rates, there is less debt sold. When it lowers the rate, there are more buyers.

In essence, what the government is doing by lowering the Fed rate and thus increasing all of this borrowing of dollars that it (i.e., the Treasury) doesn’t have is increasing the amount of debt that the Treasury owes to its lenders (the T-bond and T-bill holders).

In other words, the lower the cost of borrowing dollars, the more IOUs the Treasury must print to satisfy the demand – and thus the more debt the US government will get into.

And getting into a lot of debt is never a good idea.

In 1950, when I born, the total US debt was $257 billion. In 1970, when I finished my sophomore year in college, it was $371 billion. In 2000, it was up to $5.67 trillion. And today, in 2024, it is over $34 trillion, making the US the most in-debt country in the world, more than twice as high as the world’s #2 debtor nation, China (at about $13 trillion). Click here.

How Economies Pay Down Debt 

Now, I’m hardly an expert on economics. I’d call myself an interested amateur, at best. But from all the reading I’ve been doing about economics for the last 30 years, my belief is that there are only three ways an economy can pay down its debt:

1. By a miraculous surge of profitable economic innovation (very rare)

2. By a severe financial recession (like we had in 2001 and 1948 and 1930)

3. Or by a significant and sustained period of inflation.

The first option is extremely rare.

The next two are not just common but become probable once the national debt reaches a certain level. (By any realistic metrics, the US economy is already way past that.)

Back Again to the Fed 

For the past 16 years, the Fed has been working hard to avoid either a financial collapse or a bout of hyperinflation by gradually easing and then tightening the money supply.

When Fed rates are low, banks and businesses are enticed to borrow more money to grow their revenues and profits. When Fed rates are high, the economy tends to slow down because fewer banks and businesses are borrowing money to invest in growing the economy.

So, on the one hand, when the economy is in a slump, the government wants the Fed to lower rates and thus boost spending. On the other hand, when borrowing is very strong, federal, corporate, and even individual debt grows, which makes for the likelihood of rising inflation.

Which gets us back to what Sean was saying in Monday’s column. He’s softly predicting that the Federal Reserve, assuming that there will be a natural decline in inflation due to the factors above, might decide to make one more reduction in the Fed lending rate before the end of the year. And if they do that, it should have a positive, stimulating effect on the economy – but not so much that it would greatly increase inflation.

And if that is true, there is reason to believe that, despite the way US debt keeps piling up, the US stock market (as well as some other US financial markets) may still have several months of growth ahead of them.

That’s what I know – and it’s a lot. But there are some questions about the government’s inflation numbers that I’ve never been able to find the answers to. So, I asked Sean to fill me in…

A Quick Q&A with Sean 

Me: Sean, I am under the impression that the government inflation numbers do not include fuel and food. But they are a significant part of a middle-income family’s expenses. So how does one take account of that?

Sean’s Answer: This is… a nuanced issue. The government uses multiple models and measures of inflation to get an overall sense of price stability, which is their ultimate goal. CPI-U, CPI-W, Core CPI, PCE… the same way one looks at multiple KPIs in a marketing campaign to assess performance, the Fed looks at all of these (mainly PCE) to gauge inflation.

Core CPI does not include food and energy expenses – even though these are consumer staples – because they’re often traded speculatively in the market.

So, for example, you could have a drought, or a surge of futures buying, or a supply chain disruption cause the price of food to rise. But this rise in price doesn’t really reflect a decrease in the purchasing power of the dollar (which is what we’re really trying to assess).

Remember: Measuring the prices of things is a map, not necessarily the territory. Prices can fluctuate without it having anything to do with the stability or intrinsic value of a currency. (Which is a weird thing to say, considering that no money has intrinsic value – but I digress.)

Me: These numbers are reported every year as if they stand in historical isolation. If the inflation rate in one year is 8% and the next year it is 2%, the two-year inflation is 10%, right?

Sean’s Answer: It’s even worse than that. CPI inflation is based on an index – think a list of prices all tallied up and averaged.

If the CPI is 100 at year 0…

Then 108 in year 1… an 8% increase…

What’s 2% above that?

It’s not a CPI of 110 (10% cumulative). It’s 110.2. A 10.16% increase over two years.

Inflation compounds.

So, if we want to get back to a long-established 2% trendline, it’s possible that inflation needs to be under 2% for some time.

A recession could help with that.

Me: Isn’t it then misleading in a way to focus on the one-year rates? Take college tuition, for example. According to your chart, it was small or negative in the period measured. And yet tuition has probably gone up by a factor of 5 to 10 since I was in college. And the cost of a start-up home has gone up dramatically since I bought my first one in 1983. I paid $175,000 for a house that is probably $775,000 today.

Sean’s Answer: You’re absolutely right. And it goes even further than that. Because here’s the truth… ALL inflation data is misleading. The average person’s average experience is rarely ever “average.”

Everyone has their own inflation number. And that number is based on what they spend money on.

I had a conversation with an acquaintance about this the other day. He had been tracking his income and expenses for the last four years, and he showed me a model of the declining value of his income, which has been fixed.

But when I looked at his actual expenses… they were going down! He was spending less money on certain items and activities, but, to his chagrin, I pointed out that he was getting the same value/outcome as he did in 2020.

In other words, I explained to him that his personal inflation number was actually negative. His purchasing power has been going up.

The analyst Lyn Alden talks about this a lot. (She’s a genius.) She states that every household has its own personal Consumer Price Index.

To put it simply…

If you were a hermit who drove the same car since 1970 and only ever purchased women’s blouses and large-screen televisions… the purchasing power of your dollar has actually increased, not decreased.

That’s why, in my column, there’s a subtext of skepticism about headline inflation numbers and people’s perception of them.

Our understanding of inflation is about 100 years old. The notion that we should even strive for 2% inflation was invented by New Zealand on a whim in the late 1980s. We have a lot of different models of inflation because we don’t fully know what the best way to model inflation even is.

Me: Got it! Thanks, Sean!

What I Still Want to Know… 

I came away from that conversation with a much better understanding of this very complicated subject.

Sean’s answers confirmed my belief that inflation is a serious matter and that if the Fed and Treasury make bad choices, inflation is, by definition, a way of lowering the buying power of every dollar and financial asset backed by dollars that I and my family partnership own.

He also helped me understand that some amount of inflation is inevitable and that – whether the number is 2% or some other number – the ultimate and perhaps only way to avoid economic disaster in the future cannot be achieved simply by raising and lowering the Fed’s lending rate, but by demanding that our legislators stop spending hundreds of billions of dollar each year that we don’t have.

Even after processing all of that information, though, I realized that I only half understand as much as I want to understand about inflation. And since I suspect that many of my readers don’t know much more than I do, I think I’m going to have to arrange another conversation with Sean for an upcoming issue.

Check out Sean’s YouTube channel here.

He Was, I Thought, Just Another Bright Young Friend of Michael’s with an Impossible Dream. I Was Wrong! 

Alex Edelman was a good friend of Number Three Son Michael when they were both in college. I knew him then as a keenly smart, socially awkward, and almost pathetically likable young man who, I suspected, would one day become an influential doctor or scientist like his dad. Instead, he dreamed of being a stand-up comic. And while he pursued his dream, he was always hustling to make money by writing and selling TV scripts, jokes, and even advertising copy. (I knew from Michael that he had begun writing when he was very young. He was barely into his teens when he wrote a kids’ column for the Boston Red Sox.)

Stand-up comedy is about the scariest thing I can imagine doing. I have no problem making speeches about business or wealth building in front of 500 people. But trying to make them laugh? Just the idea makes me shudder.

I remember attending one of Alex’s performances earlyish in his career at a small venue in London. I was there with K, and maybe Michael, along with my business partner, who I had invited since he was in town at the time. There were only about a dozen other people in the audience, and I was nervous – afraid that people wouldn’t laugh at his jokes… and afraid that he would spot us (he didn’t know we were coming) and draw attention to us.

As it turned out, Alex’s performance that day was not great. But he was good. Strong enough to score on several bits and strong enough to make me proud of him.

So there he was, having ignored the Nobel Prize I had imagined for him and living poor, like new performers do, but making progress.

However, making progress as a comedian and becoming a genuine success in any of the performing arts are two very different things. I’ve known many talented young people in all sorts of areas – from drama, to dancing, to mixed martial arts. And when I’ve watched them perform, the experience for me has always been nerve-wracking. I fear some sort of stumble. Even when the performance is faultless, I carry with me the anxiety of knowing that their chance of success is slim, equivalent to the chance of becoming a professional athlete or movie star.

Anyway, time went on. And during those years, Alex would occasionally visit us when we were with Michael and our paths crossed, either at our home in Delray Beach or in New York or LA.

Then, in 2014, Michael wrote to tell us that Alex had won the “Best Newcomer” award at the annual Fringe Fest in in Edinburgh, Scotland. I’d never heard of it, but apparently it has been a launching pad for several now-famous comedians.

And then, in 2018, Michael told us that Alex was doing a one-man show Off-Broadway that was getting great reviews. The show – “Just for Us” – went to Broadway last year, and was recently made into an HBO Comedy Special. I didn’t get to see it on stage, but I saw the special on video, and it was really, really, funny. The jokes were smart and true, and the delivery was honed to perfection.

And then, two weeks ago, Number One Son’s wife, who makes a living doing hair and makeup for stars before they appear on TV talk shows, sent us her weekly calendar with the usual “big names” on it. And there, on Thursday afternoon, was Alex Edelman.

He had made it!

And now…

Last week, Michael sent me news that Alex had just been named by Time Magazine as one of “The 100 Most Influential People of 2024”!

Click here.

The Latest on the Israel-Hamas Front: 
A Proposal Dismissed. Another Suggested and Not Yet Rejected. Will There Ever Be a Two-State Solution?

Iranians at an anti-Israel rally in Tehran 

If there is one thing I’ve learned from researching the Israel-Arab conflict, it is that Arab terrorist groups have never shown any real interest in ending it. Furthermore, as I eventually realized, they have no real interest in a “two-state” solution.

For 70 years, the US and other nations have attempted to negotiate some sort of mutual peace pact. And each time, the Arabs have either rejected the deal outright or officially agreed to a cease-fire… only to use the cease-fire to rearm and attack Israel again.

It’s happened almost too many times to count.

And yet, the US once again finds itself in the same position: trying to solve this centuries-old problem by working with Israel and the Arabs as if both sides were serious about finding peace.

From the WSJ, April 16:

President Biden’s strategy of pressuring Israel and pleading with Hamas for a cease-fire and hostage deal has met one more dead end. Hamas rejected another offer over the weekend, countering with new demands designed to throw negotiations into disarray.

As State Department spokesman Matthew Miller explained, “Israel moved a significant way in submitting that proposal,” but Hamas rejected it. “It is Hamas right now that is the barrier and the obstacle to a cease-fire in Gaza.” The Times of Israel reports that Hamas rejected every clause of the proposal brokered by the US, Egypt, and Qatar.

Hamas now demands a six-week truce in which it releases no hostages while Israel stops fighting, withdraws from Gaza’s cities, and commits to a permanent cease-fire, a withdrawal from Gaza, and the return of all Palestinians (including Hamas) to northern Gaza. In other words, an Israeli surrender.

Since then, the Biden administration has smartly partnered with Saudi Arabia to try another tactic that is getting, for the moment at least, some hopeful reporting.

I’d like to think this new version of the Two-State Solution might work. But I doubt it. I’m expecting it to become, at best, an idea that will satisfy neither Israel or Hamas (or Iran and its proxies). But if the talks can continue for another six months, it may be enough to help Biden get reelected.

Read more here and here and here.

Denver’s New Plan for Caring for Asylum Seekers 

Migrants in Denver 

Denver is cutting $45 million from city agencies, including the police, to help fund a program to deal with a rise in its illegal immigrant population. That $45 million, plus another +/-$45 million in new spending, will be part of “providing a long-term sustainable solution” to the migrant problem, according to Denver Mayor Mike Johnston.

The $90 million Denver Asylum Seekers Program will help migrants secure housing and work authorization for up to six months after they apply for asylum. “Individuals arriving in Denver after April 10 will be provided a short-term stay at a congregate site along with assistance securing onward travel to another destination,” the mayor’s office said in a news release. “Newcomers who choose to remain in Denver may utilize available local and community support.”

Not surprisingly, most of the reporting on this has been positive, as most of the news agencies covering it lean toward the left. Click here and here and here for some examples.

My guess is that the program is going to be a massive failure. It will quickly blow itself up as the number of migrants looking for free health and human services will skyrocket… and I’m betting it will collapse under its own weight before 2025.

The Jamaica Exception

“The main two things that bring down a great nation are war and debt,” says Bill Bonner in the April 17 issue of Bonner Private Research, “and the US is not backing away from either of them.”

In this essay, Bill talks about how some countries in recent years have managed to avoid complete financial collapse by persuading their voters to go along with debt-reduction plans. But that is not even on the agenda of any of America’s politicians. Both Biden and Trump have proven to be relentless borrowers and spenders of taxpayer income. And neither has spoken a word about debt-reduction. The Biden administration, meanwhile, is moving us closer and closer to large-scale war.

Is there anything that can be done about it? Or should we, as individuals, privately plan for the worse?

Chart of the Week: Hot Inflation?

This week, Sean talks about an important subject I’ve never felt I understood well enough to bet on it: the government’s data on inflation. I’m guessing you feel the same way, so I’m going to turn this into an opportunity for you to learn from Sean along with me. I’m going to tell him what I think I know about this particular area of economics… ask him to correct or validate my ideas… and then report back to you on Wednesday. – MF 

Inflation came in hot in March, and now many people are asking whether this will delay Fed rate cuts.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, Fed Chair Jerome Powell “said firm inflation during the first quarter had introduced new uncertainty over whether the central bank would be able to lower interest rates this year.”

But I’m currently a little skeptical of this.

Inflation is not uniform. It doesn’t affect every commodity the same way, nor does it affect every region at the same time.

We can see that pretty clearly if we look at the major contributors to the consumer price index (CPI) inflation model over the last year:

While some major expenses like housing, electricity, and car repairs are pulling inflation up, we see food at home, vehicle costs, and other travel expenses pulling inflation down.

But since the recent “hot” inflation rating, many Wall Street prognosticators have taken to saying that there will not be a Fed rate cut anytime soon. Some even say that another rate hike is in order.

But, again, take a look at the chart above. Specifically, look at the rise in motor vehicle insurance and repair.

You have to ask yourself some simple questions:

* How would Fed interest rates work to quickly tamp down car insurance and car repair prices?

* Is this reading a chronic or acute problem?

* Can this be better explained by something else?

On that last note, let’s do a bit of logical thinking with car insurance and repair costs.

In the last few years, after new car manufacturing declined in 2020/2021, people resorted to buying used cars.

When people buy a lot of a thing, supply goes down and prices go up. This can show up in inflation models.

What do we know about used cars?

We know that older cars have higher failure rates, defect rates, accident rates, and fatality rates. We also know that older cars require more maintenance.

If you buy something that causes more accidents, has a higher chance of killing you, and costs more to repair…

Doesn’t it make sense that the surge in used car purchases in 2022 might cause a surge in car insurance and repair costs in 2023?

Now that used car prices have been deflating over the last year, we should also see insurance and repair prices level out a bit on their own in the months ahead. Without monetary policy intervention.

We can apply this same logical exercise to most of the categories seeing high inflation right now.

So right now, I am still thinking that the Fed might still be on track for at least one rate cut later on in 2024…

And I’ll explain why in more detail in next week’s column.

– Sean MacIntyre

Check out Sean’s YouTube channel here.

An Exercise Program That Works Miracles 

“Butterbean” showing off his new-found mobility 

Sent in by BW:

In his 50s, long after he should have retired from boxing, Eric “Butterbean” Esch continued, even entering several mixed martial arts bouts. He was always considered a good puncher, but he was also obese, weighing over 300 pounds for most of his career. His age and his size put him into a “freak” category of fighters. He developed a large fan base because nobody that knew anything about the fight game could believe he could compete seriously against serious fighters. And yet he did. He knocked out 58 opponents, including some world champions. But as the years went by, he got heavier. Until, at age 58, he was no longer able to stand up straight, let alone fight. When he was inducted into the Boxing Hall of Fame, he didn’t show up because he was embarrassed by this size (more than 500) pounds and his mobility. (He could no longer walk.)

But then he heard about someone – a former athlete like himself – who had regained his health through a form of yoga. This is the story of how that practice brought him back to fighting shape at 58.

The Greatest Night in Pop 

Directed by Bao Nguyen
Released on Netflix Jan 19, 2024

Watch Time: 2 hrs, 37 min

The Greatest Night in Pop is a documentary about the making of “We Are the World” – a behind-the-scenes look at what happened when, in 1985, 40 of pop music’s biggest stars got together to record the song to raise money for starving children in Africa and the US. (It raised more than $80 million, $214 million in today’s dollars.)

What I Liked About It 

The extraordinary talent, tenacity, and cooperation that was needed to record the song in a single night. They started on it after a music awards show in LA that had ended at about midnight, and the challenges were enormous, not the least of which were the competitive egos of the performers.

The star of the documentary turns out to be Lionel Richie, who, with the initial assistance of Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones, got so many celebrities to participate, and then kept everyone working together for more than seven grueling hours of production, until after seven in the morning.

Critical Reception 

* “Director Bao Nguyen is wryly bemused by the now historic celebrity assemblage and thankfully intrigued by the logistical and creative demands of creating an anthem.” (The Age/Australia)

* “The Greatest Night in Pop is one of those wonderfully wish fulfilling, ‘man I wish I could’ve been a fly on the wall…’ documentaries.” (Baltimore Magazine)

* “It’s almost like they knew there’d be a film eventually made of this. They have an incredible amount of footage.” (NPR/Los Angeles)

You can watch the trailer here.

Five Quick Bites 

1. Tying the Knot. At a wedding recently, two groomsmen and I spent a fun half-hour arguing about the easiest way to tie a tie properly. Here’s a super-easy way to do it that I’ve never seen before.

2. Sweet and Funny. This couple painted each other’s portraits – and the husband’s work defies description. Click here.

3. Surprising. An additional health benefit from walking. Click here.

4. Edifying. Every optical illusion explained in eight minutes. Click here.

5. Challenging! I bet you can’t do this.

From the World Press Photo Contest… 

Lotomau Fiafia, 72, a community elder on Kioa Island in Fiji, stands with his grandson at the point where he remembers the shoreline used to be when he was a boy.

How Much Do You Know About the US Territories? 

I got seven right on this quiz, and I’m surprised I did that well. This is an area of geography about which I’ve done zero research.