More Countries Rejecting Leftist Economic Policies 

“First, it was Italy. Then came Finland and Greece. Spain could be next,” says Suzanne Lynch, writing for Politico. “Across Europe, governments are shifting right. In some places, far-right leaders are taking power. In others, more traditional center-right parties are allying with the right-wing fringes once considered untouchable.”

It is hard to deny. In the last year alone, conservatives and even far-right political groups came to power in a surprising number of elections.

Here are two of the most recent upsets…

The Netherlands Swings Back Toward the Center Right 

Geert Wilders 

Geert Wilders has been the victim of numerous death threats and has had to move between safe houses for nearly two decades. In 2009, the British government denied him entry, citing a threat to “community harmony and therefore public security.” And yet, somehow, it looks like he’ll soon be the next Prime Minister of the Netherlands.

Three links to help you better understand him. Click here and here and here.

And Now, Argentina…

Javier Milei 

In Saturday’s issue, I mentioned the surprise victory of Javier Milei, Argentina’s president-elect. Bill Bonner did some fact-checking on what the NYT and other left-tilting media have been saying about him. Click here.


Pro-Muslim, Anti-Jewish Prejudice Among Young People in America Is Bigger Than I Thought. And Growing! 

Another disturbing social trend that has surfaced since the beginning of the Hamas-Israeli conflict.

I understand that after decades of being told that Israel is a “colonizer” and an “occupying force” in Gaza, America’s university students would feel that the bombing of Gaza by the IDF is unjustified and even immoral. But what I mistakenly assumed was that these same young people had also been taught about the historical plight of the Jews – that they have been the victims of discrimination, ostracizing, governmental bullying, property confiscation, hate crimes, and, yes, actual genocide for thousands of years. And perhaps that the Jews have been in what is today called Palestine longer than the Muslims. And that Hamas (and Hezbollah and many other Muslim groups) have, as their stated goals, the destruction of Israel and the murder of every Jew on the planet.

Well, no. Apparently not. Because when it comes to hate crimes in America, they think Muslims, not Jews, are the real victims.

According to a WSJ-NORC poll, 44% of young Americans (ages 18 to 34) believe that Muslims in America are “subject to significant discrimination,” while only 33% do for Jews. Broken down by political party, the pro-Muslim, antisemitic sentiment is even greater among those that identify as Democrats. Click here.