Quick Bites: A Primer on Inflation… Three Ways to Lose Money in 2024… A Heated Debate… Mike Tyson’s Profound Wisdom… The Dark History of the Werewolf

* Doug Casey on the Destruction of the Dollar. From a recent posting on his International Man website:

“Inflation occurs when the creation of currency outruns the creation of real wealth it can bid for… It isn’t caused by price increases; rather, it causes price increases.

“Inflation is not caused by the butcher, the baker, or the auto maker, although they usually get blamed. On the contrary, by producing real wealth, they fight the effects of inflation. Inflation is the work of government alone, since government alone controls the creation of currency.

“In a true free-market society, the only way a person or organization can legitimately obtain wealth is through production. ‘Making money’ is no different from ‘creating wealth,’ and money is nothing but a certificate of production.”

Click here to read more.


* Three Ways to Lose Money in 2024. Garrett Baldwin, one of Agora’s financial analysts that I follow regularly, published a piece on Oct. 24 that I thought was worth passing on to all of my readers that are active investors. Click here.


* David and Goliath: Douglas and Malcolm. I’m a fan of Malcolm Gladwell. And Douglas Murray. They are both smart and articulate. They write well. They speak well. And most importantly, they think well. So, I was excited to come across this debate between them (and two other writers) on whether mainstream journalism has lost its way. Click here.


* Mike Tyson’s Profound Wisdom. Mike Tyson was always an obviously intelligent person. Spend a half-hour looking at interviews with him when he was in his 20s and you will see that. But he was also a troubled person whose ideas about himself and his self-importance nearly ruined his life. But then, something amazing happened. Some experience that changed him. He expresses it beautifully and succinctly in this conversation with Joe Rogan. Click here.


* An Amusing History of the Werewolf. Click here.