Making America Great, the Peter Thiel Way

I knew very little about Peter Thiel. I knew he was one of the founders of PayPal. I knew he took some of that money and invested it in a new startup called Facebook, among others (LinkedIn, SpaceX, etc.).

I didn’t know he was gay. I didn’t know he was Republican. And I didn’t know he was reviled in Silicon Valley.

Click here for an interesting interview with him from Bari Weiss.


AI vs. Copywriters 

A colleague recently took up the subject of how AI is going to affect advertising writers. He fed some commands into Chat-GPT, seeking to get strong headlines for a particular financial topic. The machine spit out a dozen titles in no time flat. They were all decent, he admitted. Some were stronger than others, but none was exceptionally strong.

I looked at his examples and agreed with him. None of the headlines generated were amazing. But most of them were, IMHO, solid. Solid to good. They were B’s, representing probably 90% of what you would get from most professional copywriters, including top B2B copywriters.

I think they were in the B range because the algorithms Chat-GPT uses are still based on simplistic instructions. The best headlines take a level of imagination that Chat-GPT is not able to achieve… right now.