Trump Is Still Head of the Republican Party 

A new poll shows that 47% of likely GOP voters would vote Trump if the election were held today. Only 28% would vote DeSantis. Nellie Bowles, writing in Common Sense, had this to say about it:

“For anyone hoping the calm, buttoned-up Florida Governor Ron DeSantis takes over as the more civilized head of the Republican party, it’s not looking likely. At least not without Donald Trump’s gracious exit and selfless blessing. And if there’s one thing we all know Trump is great at, it’s gracious, selfless acts.  We are all doomed to have Biden versus Trump for a thousand years. When they’re 500-year-old mummies, they will still run against each other. Candidates who are mummies or, otherly-living persons, are no less capable than you or me. To suggest otherwise is frankly ableist.”

Diesel Fuel Levels Are Crazy Low 

The US is down to 25 days of diesel supply, according to the Energy Information Administration. That’s the lowest it’s been for October since records have been kept (1993). Diesel is the fuel used by freight trains and long-haul truckers to transport most of the goods/food consumed in the US. The good news for Democrats: If the supply chain stops, it will happen after the mid-term elections. Get the details here.


America’s “Rattiest” Cities

Each fall, rodents invade an estimated 21 million homes in the US. Since the pandemic, according to Orkin, the pest control company, it’s only gotten worse. “Rodent infestations are among the top pest issues of the fall and winter seasons,” said Ben Hottel, an Orkin entomologist. “Not only are mice and rats a nuisance, but they are known to spread a variety of dangerous diseases.”

On Oct. 17, Orkin released its yearly list of the “50 Rattiest Cities.” Not surprisingly, the top spots went to America’s most woke cities: Chicago, New York, LA, Washington DC, and San Francisco.

Click here to see where your favorite city ranks.


The Bamboozle Game 

Whatever your political bias is, you must admit it. This guy Hawley is very good at highlighting the hypocrisy in presidential appointees. Watch him in action here.


The Economic Forecast for 2023: Gloomier and Gloomier 

A major survey of US economists found that, on average, they put the probability of a recession in the next 12 months at 63%. That’s up from 49% in July’s survey. Click here to find out why they’ve changed their expectations. 


San Francisco’s Mayor Apologizes for Telling the Truth

In a predictably ironic development in race-based politics, the mayor of San Francisco, who is Black, has been accused of racism for saying out loud something that every city denizen knows to be true: The city’s open-air drug market is dominated by Honduran drug dealers. Click here for the whole story.