When You Can’t Sell a Stolen Work of Art

A Dutch historian known as the “Indiana Jones of Art” recovered ancient Catholic relics when the pieces were left on his doorstep a few weeks ago. The relics were stolen in early June from the Fécamp Abbey Church in Normandy, France, where they had been housed for the last 1,000 years. The lead vials are said to contain drops of the blood of Jesus Christ, taken when he was hanging on the cross. Click here.


Claes Oldenburg (1929-2022) 

Claes Oldenburg, the pop artist that became famous for his super-sized replicas of ordinary objects, died July 18. He was an interesting character. You can read about him here. One thing I didn’t know: He produced a lot of his work with his wife


Harvey Dinnerstein (1928-2022) 

LC sent me this obit piece on Harvey Dinnerstein, a Realist I’d never heard of. I was struck immediately by the emotional power of his paintings, which combine classical forms and painterly techniques with contemporary urban settings. Click here.