Why I keep doing what I do:

“Your blog is, as is everything you write, absolutely terrific.” – BB


Re our ongoing discussion about Wokeness: 

“[My] business professor… told a story about a businesswoman in Japan who traveled with an assistant who was a man who pretended to be the boss. A girl from the class got offended, saying the story was sexist. It was an international business course. He was just trying to give a look into another culture. I reached out to tell her that ‘I don’t believe he was intending to make a sexist comment.’ Too late, she complained and he was immediately fired, and I was labeled ‘a non-ally.’ That is the state of wokeness. The state of working as an employee for most businesses is similar. There is not a lot of conversation between the sides. Input, questions, or creative discussion is seen as a negative if it challenges entrenched beliefs.”– JG

Re what I said last week about the bad beginning of our recent trip to Greece: 

“Think you were being too hard on yourself… the thief was the problem there.” – AD

“At least you fed some fish!” – SL

Re my July 11 review of Delicious:

“I thought Delicious was terrific! Loved when they were brainstorming what was to become a restaurant. When they were all set up, waiting for people to come, it brought back familiar feelings of anticipation, apprehension, and excitement from my early days in business.” – AS