How to Apologize for Being Drunk
Getting drunk, behaving badly, and then apologizing for it is as old as civilization. In Dunhuang, China, a thousand years ago, it was so common that the municipality’s Bureau of Etiquette came up with an official apology letter for its public officials to use.
What follows is an actual example of that letter, discovered in a cave in 1900. It was sent in 856 AD. (Source: Letters of Note)
Official Apology
“Yesterday, having drunk too much, I was intoxicated as to pass all bounds; but none of the rude and coarse language I used was uttered in a conscious state. The next morning, after hearing others speak on the subject, I realised what had happened, whereupon I was overwhelmed with confusion and ready to sink into the earth with shame. It was due to a vessel of my small capacity being filled for the nonce too full. I humbly trust that you in your wise benevolence will not condemn me for my transgression. Soon I will come to apologise in person, but meanwhile I beg to send this written communication for your kind inspection. Leaving much unsaid, I am yours respectfully.”
The Reply
“Yesterday, Sir, while in your cups, you so far overstepped the observances of polite society as to forfeit the name of gentleman, and made me wish to have nothing more to do with you. But since you now express your shame and regret for what has occurred, I would suggest that we meet again for a friendly talk.”