Re Ready, Fire, Aim:

“As a mompreneur, I had to have this book. It showed me how to set up a plan to save for me and my business. Also, my kids can learn many ways to succeed in their first jobs, and not be dependent on family. That’s an incredible gift to give to our future generation. I can encourage them by the results my business has had to be their own boss.” – HH

Re my essay on “The Soft Side of Estate Planning”:

“Great writing about family and finances. I think you are spot on. I can’t wait to read and share with my family your book on Charity. We were advised years ago to tithe 10% – 5% to our church and another 5% to local and other favored charities. We do it.” – JM


“Your blog is a superlative and unique offering on my computer during the week. It simply has no peer at what it sets out to do. There’s something for everyone. I’ve gained wisdom, knowledge, background information, understanding, and, not the least, some badly needed business acumen.” – RK

“I was delighted to discover your website and learn of your credentials. I am a Mumbai-based author who publishes extensively in the US…. To date, I have published my fiction with over 70 literary journals in the US…. I have been a speaker at several international festivals. I have also been invited to speak about my work at [many] universities…. This is just to say: It’s so inspiring to learn of someone like you – your achievements and your initiatives. I hope we get to meet someday.” – MFS