There is no excuse for this. You will have to forgive me.

Once a year, I spend a week in Myrtle Beach with 6 or 8 of my high school friends (Class of 1968). It’s something we enjoy and look forward to. Myrtle Beach is an annual event, but we keep in touch throughout the year via group emails. These consist almost entirely of what is commonly called “dad jokes.” But I fear it’s worse than that since our children, who accuse us of being sentimental and corny, are themselves dads.

The following is a curated list of the best of at least 1,000 pieces received in 2021. In going through them, I did my best to choose only the most sophisticated. You be the judge.

Also from the Myrtle Beach Club: from the ridiculous to the sublime – spectacular images of some of the many things that make the Earth special…

Watch it here.