The coronavirus has given rise to a host of new slang terms. Here, from, are some that you may already have added to your vocabulary:

 * rona – an informal shortening of coronavirus (“Yeah, I don’t know about you, but homeschooling my kids during the rona ends up in a lot of Frozen 2.”)

* doom-scrolling (“I was up until 2 am last night doom-scrolling about coronavirus news.”)

* covidiot (“Don’t be a covidiot by going to the park to play hoops with your buds!”)

* moronavirus – another way of saying covidiot (“My roommate is such a moronavirus. He went to the beach today with a huge group of friends.”)

* quarantini/coronarita (“Frozen pizza in the oven? Paw Patrol queued up? Think it’s time for a quarantini/coronarita.”)

* coronials, quaranteens, coronababies – the hypothetical generation of children conceived during COVID-19

* covidivorce – filed as a result of a couple’s experience in quarantine

* coronacation – corona-compelled staycations due to cancelled classes, shifts, etc.

* zoom-bombing – when uninvited guests disrupt a virtual meeting on Zoom with obscene, violent, or offensive words/images