“Homo sapiens instinctively abhor equality and create hierarchies in every possible way at every possible opportunity.” – Michael Masterson
“Homo sapiens instinctively abhor equality and create hierarchies in every possible way at every possible opportunity.” – Michael Masterson
redoubtable (adjective)
Redoubtable (rih-DOW-tuh-bul) means formidable, fearsome. As used by James Gleick: “Encyclopedias are finished. All encyclopedias combined, including the redoubtable Britannica, have already been surpassed by the exercise in groupthink known as Wikipedia.”
Dolphins can put one side of their brain to sleep while the other side does the thinking.
Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
This is one of two novels by Kurt Vonnegut that I read recently for my book club (The Mules). It would probably be indexed under “science fiction,” but it reads as a somewhat superficial but funny satire of science, technology, religion, and the arms race. Like Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five, it is a triumph of dark humor, mixing irony and parody with a compelling plot.
A fascinating short documentary on how the Panama Canal works and how critical it is to the global economy…
Even when I’m traveling, I try to get in some sort of Jiu Jitsu practice. When I was in New York a few weeks ago, I took two lessons from Paul Schreiner, one of Marcelo Garcia’s instructors and a great student of the game.
A lesson with Paul is not cheap. It costs as much as three months’ worth of group lessons at your local grappling school. But if you are up for learning, you will have spent your money wisely.
Paul taught me lots of good technique and strategies. But what I came away with are two mistakes I’ve been making more or less consistently for the past 20 years.
These are very basic mistakes. The sort of thing I should have corrected before I got my blue belt. That I’ve been able to perform as well as I have all these years is a miracle. I’ve obviously developed some unconscious compensating movements – but I’ve no doubt that I will be considerably better once I actually correct the mistakes.
I had the same experience when I used to write advertising copy. I’d write a sales letter or space ad that I felt proud of and then test it – only to discover that it didn’t work at all. Analyzing the dismal results, I could see the mistake immediately. It was usually some fundamental rule I broke in writing the headline or the lead.
The same holds true for my personal relationships. Looking back on conversations that went south, I can usually spot a freshman communications error: failing to acknowledge the other person’s perspective or, worse, denigrating it in some way.
It would be interesting to create a series of basic rules for every endeavor – a list of things one knows but often forgets. Let’s see… what would that be for entrepreneurial ventures?
20 Very Basic Business Mistakes That Will Kill Your Start-Up Idea
It took me about 10 minutes to jot down the above list, but it took 40+ years to fully understand it. I’m tempted to say that if I’d had it when I was young, I’d have arrived at success much sooner and enjoyed much more of it.
It’s unlikely that I’ll be starting any new businesses any time soon. (I’ve promised K I wouldn’t.) But this list might be helpful to you or someone you know.
“The biggest mistake experts make are beginner mistakes.” – Michael Masterson
denigrate (verb)
To denigrate (DEN-ih-grate) is to belittle, disparage; criticize in a derogatory way. As I used it today: “Looking back on conversations that went south, I can usually spot a freshman communications error: failing to acknowledge the other person’s perspective or, worse, denigrating it in some way.”
Stephen King is afraid of the dark. He sleeps with a nightlight.
An email from KP:
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all your writings, and as I’ve told you in person, I KNOW (stronger than “believe”) that Ready, Fire, Aim is the best business book there is on small/medium-sized business and marketing – done right….
I look forward to continuing to enjoy your wonderful insights.