I’ve been working with my partners in the art business to put on a major annual art show in Central America starting next year. It’s going to be big and fun – a combination of Art Basel and the Academy Awards for Central American artists.

The team was in Costa Rica last weekend brainstorming. After what was clearly a very productive session, they sent me the following note…

Hi Mark: We met in Costa Rica, talked with local art and event professionals, and have come up with a very good plan.

One thing that all agreed on was that we must choose a name for the event that is not only very Central American but also clever. And we have a great idea: Manglar! The Manglar Awards!

 Manglar – the Spanish word for “mangrove” – is an ecosystem that all of the Central American countries have in common. The word is minimal, clean – super-easy to create a logo and brand. Even better, the mangrove – struggling to survive between the sea and land – is an excellent symbol for what we are hoping to achieve here. (Not to mention the implication of social responsibility.)

Perfect, don’t you think?

One Thing You Should Never Do in Advertising 

Manglar? I checked the calendar. No. It wasn’t April Fool’s Day. It was mid-July. They were serious.

I sent them this rather curt reply…

Sorry… I HATE “Manglar.”

Yes, it is clever… but clever is the OPPOSITE of good marketing.

Clever says, “Look at ME! Aren’t I smart?” And the prospect does “look at” the marketer, thinking “Who would come up with a name like that? Meanwhile, he is NOT looking at the product.




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equivocal (adjective) 

Equivocal (ih-KWIV-uh-kuhl) means ambiguous, open to more than one interpretation. As used by Italo Calvino: “A tale is born from an image, and the image extends and creates a network of meanings that are always equivocal.”


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Who’s That Knocking at My Door? (1967)

On Friday, I talked about Martin Scorsese’s brilliant “debut” film (in 1973), Mean Streets. It was actually his second movie. The story is that his first one – Who’s That Knocking at My Door?– was considered to be clever but, in the words of John Cassavetes, “a piece of shit.”

As a filmmaker that has produced and directed three bad movies, I wanted to compare my first oeuvre, Killer Weekend, to Scorsese’s first. I was hoping to see similarities – the same sort of bad stuff that Killer Weekendhad. Alas, it turns out that Who’s That Knocking?, while not by any means a great movie, is very interesting in more than a dozen ways. And (in my view, at least), the product of someone that already had, at such an early age (31), a genius for making movies.

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An email from BH:

I wanted Mark Ford to know how much I appreciate his books. The ideas and thoughts from his books are so insightful, and so empowering to people who want to improve their lives. What many people forget, I believe, is that his advice – and the potential for that advice to lead to potential prosperity – depends on good execution. One cannot simply read his books and expect to get rich…. Mark provides the key, they/I must actually open the door. 

The main thing I want Mark to know is that he has made a positive difference in my life. I keep Automatic Wealth by my desk and The Pledge often stays in my briefcase. I can open either book up randomly and read something that inspires and motivates me. 


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An amazing display of beauty, strength, flexibility, and grace.


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