Nemesis vs. enemy (nouns) – An enemy (EN-uh-mee) is a foe that you can defeat or who can defeat you. A nemesis (NEM-us-sis) is unconquerable, a lifelong opponent or rival.

Example for enemy: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu

Example for nemesis: “It’s not easy being number two. As a marketer, you have limited choices – you can pretend you’re not defined by the market leader, or you can embrace your position and go directly after your nemesis.” – John Battelle

According to a recent survey by, Americans spent almost $40 billion in 2018 while drunk. As Jimmy Kimmel observed, it “could explain the popularity of Uggs.”

“It’s not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the questions longer.” – Albert Einstein

The New York Times Magazine – I mentioned recently that I am having difficulty reading The New York Times LINK. IMHO, this once-great newspaper has become a garbage dump of bad ideology and dumb ideas. Case in point: A Q&A in “The Ethicist” (a regular column). The reader asks, “Is it okay for a Chinese restaurant to favor Chinese patrons?” The answer won’t surprise you: Yes, of course, it is. But it would not be okay for a restaurant owned by white people to favor their white customers.

If you have ever been on a NYC subway, you’ll love this…