Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Delray Beach, FL
In 2010, John Wiley published a book I had written several years earlier called Ready, Fire, Aim. Of the 20+ books I’ve written on business and wealth building, Ready, Fire, Aim has had the longest tail. Although it barely made it to the bestseller lists that year, it has sold conti nuously since then.
The tail was also wide. It’s been republished in more than a dozen countries, recommended by dozens of digital newsletters and magazines, and has been used in business schools, book clubs, and even churches!
My goal with Ready, Fire, Aim was to explain my theory about starting and growing entrepreneurial businesses.
My thesis was that all entrepreneurial businesses have some commonalities in terms of the challenges they face at various stages. And I argued that if you, as an entrepreneur, recognize those commonalities, you would have a significant advantage over your competitors and a favorable chance of success.
In looking at the way businesses develop over time, I identified four levels of business growth, based on revenue: